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Innovator 2014 in Abu Dhabi

We spoke to DIY mentor Ismael Touq ahead of March 8 event

Innovator 2014 is coming, Caitlyn Davey spoke to DIY mentor and innovator, Ismael Touq, about the process.

Can you tell us a little bit about your experience with Innovator?
I had little doubt that a DIY culture exists in the UAE, but soon I came to realise that Innovator is something a lot of people have been waiting for. INNOVATOR’s mission was to bring out the worlds where innovators live in their most productive zone, and show us what they have been working on. It gives them someone to listen to their ideas no matter how simple it is and say, ‘We want to see it’.

You’re a mentor for DIYers – can you explain what that entails?
My role is not only to offer technical guidance, but to also inspire and motivate innovators. I remove their mental blocks to allow them to expand their ideas further by asking them very simple questions like, ‘What would you do to make it better?’ Or ‘Why don’t you ask X, who’s an expert in the part you are struggling with?’

How do ideas for innovations come to you?
Any idea goes through a checklist of a ‘Can I do it?’ thought process. ‘Do I have the skills, materials and equipment required? Can I fight the social stigmas?’ Until I reach the ‘Aha’ moment and the idea starts taking shape in my head first, and then finally in its physical form and that’s when the self-rewarding system kicks in as a result of having a direct experience of creating something new.

What is the biggest challenge for innovators in Abu Dhabi?
The cultural obstacle is one of the main challenges for a lot of innovators. Unfortunately, the advancement in science and technology resulted in a cultural diversion, with the majority of people losing touch with the art of making and innovating, and becoming passive consumers. A person passionate about making their own stuff is considered a paranormal member of society where in fact, every single human being is a natural born tool maker since the dawn of history.

What’s the best part of your job?
Seeing the excitement in innovators when they see their projects coming to life. Sharing those moments with them gives me the same feeling of achievement as if I built it myself.

Can anyone get involved?
The idea behind INNOVATOR is to establish a community of innovators and allow them to share ideas, knowledge and skills. The result of a group of passionate people skilled in different fields, mixing together, is phenomenal. An idea is as good as the people who thought about it, so whatever your backround or your interests, you will be surprised how much your contribution will benefit innovators and vice versa. I encourage innovators to interact with one another, to teach, learn and keep making and keep innovating. It is not enough to DIY alone. Share your experience and Do-It-Together! it is your responsibility to share your passion with as many people as possible in order to create the environment in which you can thrive.
Innovator 2014. March 8, 12pm-8pm, FGB Arena, Zayed Sports City,