Posted inWellbeing

Dance workouts in Abu Dhabi

Try these fat-burning, high-tempo dance classes

If the treadmill’s boring you to death or you just can’t face another set of sit-ups, try one of these dance classes to stay fit. They’re sociable, fun and you don’t need to be a twinkle-toed dance genius to take part


Belly dancing

Use this seductive Middle Eastern dance to shimmy your way to a flat tummy and develop your curves.
Clara’s belly dancing class at the Beach Rotana begins with a warm-up before moving on to some core work for strengthening your abs. Then comes the fun part, a series of basic belly dance moves and combinations, so you’ll be wiggling your way around the room in no time, and training yourself to keep a great posture and form in the bargain
We say: You’ll leave this class feeling really good about your body. After all, the best belly dancers make rather wobbly tummies look alluring
They say: A full body workout in a friendly and fun environment
When: Tuesdays 7.30pm-8.30pm
Price: Dhs35 for members, Dhs40 for non-members
Suitable for: Women of all abilities and fitness levels
Beach Rotana, Tourist Club Area. Call Clara for more information on 055 552 6513

Hip hop

Hip hop classes deliver a high-energy workout using the latest rap, R&B and pop tracks to keep you pumped up during the session. The movements in Terhas’s funky class are influenced by some of today’s hottest video choreographers, and are so fast-paced you’ll be left gasping for breath. Overall, the aerobic workout will improve your coordination as well as your figure
We say: Give it a few weeks and you’ll be well on your way to that MTV-worthy bod you’ve always yearned for
They say: Hip hop is an energetic and creative way of getting fit and back into shape
When: Saturdays 5pm-6pm
Price: Dhs35 for both members and non-members
Suitable for: Anyone who wants to work on their cardio fitness levels and stamina
Hiltonia Health Club & Spa at Hilton Abu Dhabi, Corniche Road (02 681 1900)


Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness programme that was invented when an aerobics instructor forgot his workout music and had to improvise with some Latin beats. Because the movements are pretty simple, even the rhythmically illiterate can get involved, while the South American rhythms will lift your mood. After an hour of this calorie-burning workout you’ll probably never feel the need to set foot in a boring step class again.
We say: This fitness craze got popular for a reason – join in!
They say: Zumba fanatics achieve long-term benefits while having an absolute blast
When: Mondays 6pm-7pm
Price: Free for re:charge members, or outside guests can join in for Dhs70, which includes use of all the re:charge gym facilities and pool
Suitable for: Those who can’t face working out to ‘Crazy in Love’ again
Re:charge at Aloft Abu Dhabi (02 654 5000)


One of the most sociable fitness classes in the city, Salsa can be a gentle or a strenuous hour’s exercise depending on your style. Once you get the hang of the steps and pick up the pace you’ll be whirling around the dance floor, burning off those calories in no time. Salsa works the legs, obviously, but the strict posture demanded and all the twisting at the waist means you’re constantly working your stomach muscles as you dance too. Teachers are from the well-regarded Columbian BNF dance group, and you can stick around afterwards to practise
We say: Because you’re encouraged to dance with as many partners as possible, even the most socially awkward person is bound to make a few friends
They say: Join a session with some world-class Salsa teachers
When: Wednesdays 9pm-10pm
Price: Free
Suitable for: People who like to mingle while they get in shape
The Village Club, One to One Hotel (02 495 2000)