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Time Out UAE Virtual Pet Show: judges’ views group 1

Five top entries so far from across the categories, from cats to guinea pigs

The UAE is a nation of pet-lovers. We have dog-friendly cafés, cat-friendly hotels and plenty of pet salons.

Which is why we’ve launched the Time Out UAE Virtual Pet Show, in association with The Pet Shop /, to celebrate the UAE’s most fabulous pets.

The Time Out UAE Virtual Pet Show is here to champion all UAE pets, from cats and dogs to rabbits and guinea pigs. We’re even giving a shout out to the fish.

We want you to send in your best photos and videos of your pet – and you could even win a prize from The Pet Shop.

All photos will be considered for the finals, but across the competition we’ll be sending a selection of your photos to the judges to get their thoughts. (For more about the judges, click here).

Tommy owned by Terje Abrams

Category: best rescue cat

Andy Gould, The Pet Shop /
Tommy looks like he doesn’t approve of your life choices but he definitely approves of his fabulous, shiny coat.

Nynne Hesselsoe, Kittysnip
“Did you say rescue? I’m in denial. Could someone please move me to the breed category?”

Lana Azad Karim, RAK Animal Welfare Centre
What a confident little fella with those piercing eyes.

Paul Clifford, Time Out UAE
Tommy was a tiny abandoned kitty found in a car park and has grown to be the king of his own castle. It’s an amazing transformation but he now looks pretty aloof. Never forget your roots, Tommy.

Pirate owned by Jane Sherring

Category: best rescue dog

Andy Gould, The Pet Shop /
Pirate is here to hijack your heart, and possibly your snacks.

Nynne Hesselsoe, Kittysnip
“What are you up to human? Think best I pose with my innocent pirate look for this one.”

Lana Azad Karim, RAK Animal Welfare Centre
That look alone must’ve helped him “pirate” thousands of hearts.

Paul Clifford, Time Out UAE
I’ve got a lot of time for anyone who rescues animals and the difference a loving home can make to a dog is immense. Pirate looks like a gentle soul and very good boy.

Poldo owned by Marta Cardinali

Category: cutest pet

Andy Gould, The Pet Shop /
Poldo loves surveying his human subjects from his snazzy little green throne.

Nynne Hesselsoe, Kittysnip
He seems a very confident little one and loves his green house, although a bit wet.

Lana Azad Karim, RAK Animal Welfare Centre
Coming out of your shell to be a worthy contender Poldo? I must say that I really admire this courageous cutie.

Paul Clifford, Time Out UAE
I have to admit, guinea pigs aren’t really my area of expertise, so I’m going on this guy’s looks alone. Is he in a foot spa? Air purifier? Or just a futuristic guinea pig bath? Either way, he seems happy to be in there.

Maya owned by Cecilia D’Souza

Category: best purebred cat

Andy Gould, The Pet Shop /
Maya doesn’t bother with props. She knows her beautiful face is the best one she’s got.

Nynne Hesselsoe, Kittysnip
Majestic Maya is determined to show her beauty and seems ready to go all the way.

Lana Azad Karim, RAK Animal Welfare Centre
Such beauty, such grace, she’s Miss Meows of States!

Paul Clifford, Time Out UAE
Off-the-scale floof from this little one. Maya looks like she’d be lovely for a squish and I particularly love her ear fluffiness. Can imagine she’d be super to cuddle up to in front of the TV.

Roger owned by Laura Grayson

Category: most stylish pet

Andy Gould, The Pet Shop /
When Roger isn’t busy negotiating big contracts, he loves long walks on the beach and cosy nights in front of the telly with his hooman.

Nynne Hesselsoe, Kittysnip
“Let me teach you a bit about style – these glasses look awesome on me. I am too cool.”

Lana Azad Karim, RAK Animal Welfare Centre
Cute and smart. Now that has to be a good combination.

Paul Clifford, Time Out UAE
A lovely head of hair (I know, it’s fur…) on Roger, but I’m a little concerned at his choice of frames, which I think are a little dainty for his otherwise masculine appearance.

As a reminder of all 12 categories click here.

Send us pictures of your cute critter to, or tag us at @timeoutdubai, @timeoutabudhabi and @timeoutuaekids on Instagram with the hashtag #TOPetshow