Posted inFamily

Tell it like it is!

Our news and views of the week

We’re shelling…
Out Dhs350 to wave our hands in the air at Fatboy Slim’s beach party at Barasti on February 11. It may be expensive, and yes, the Hawaiian shirt-loving DJ is often cheesy – but it should be one rip roaring sandstorm of a party.

We’re relieved…
That we can pop out and buy Scandinavian Furs late at night in the new shop in JBR – but not milk, bread or toilet roll. When will The Marina just get real?

We’re throwing…
Shapes, in preparation for Nike’s dance auditions on January 22. Win and you’ll go through to a two-day intensive training programme, then potentially gain certification to teach dance around Dubai. Sweatbands here we come!
See to register before January 18.

We’re bowling…
For boobs. Or at least our kids are, at Al Quoz Bowling Centre on Saturday January 17 from 10am until noon to help raise money for breast cancer.
Email Kily Battista at to get involved.