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Tech news: Why smart glasses are here to stay

Facebook and Ray-Ban are teaming up

There’s a new breed of smart wearable on the horizon, and it’s coming for your face.

Smart glasses/spectacles/sunglasses are almost at a tipping point, and new interest from the likes of Facebook, Google and Apple make the technology not just a cool experiment, but a sure thing for the future of technology.

Why? Because it makes sense for companies to stuff your glasses full of technology. Not only are they big enough to fit advanced processors and batteries, but puts sensors and speakers very close to your eyes and ears (which is how you interact with your smartphone anyway).

Facebook has just signed a deal with Ray-Ban to bring its augmented reality smart specs into reality next year, while Google has been tinkering away at the technology for the past two years.

Meanwhile, the likes of Bose and Huawei currently have smart sunglasses on the market that will let you interact with your phone using your voice. And for anyone still doubting that smart glasses will become a thing; know that Apple’s smart glasses are more or less confirmed at this point. And for anyone who doesn’t think that matters, cast your mind back to a time when people didn’t wear little white wireless buds in their ears. Can you remember that far back? No, neither can we.