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UAE announces sweeping changes to the law to make the country more expat-friendly

Amendments affect personal affairs, transactions and more

The UAE has announced a number of reforms to personal and family laws in the nation. 

A statement from the UAE federal government on the national news agency WAM stated that legal reforms are part of efforts to improve legislation and the investment climate in the UAE.

In a bid to make the country more friendly to expats, the changes in the laws aim to ‘entrench the principles of tolerance in the society and strengthen the country’s position as a preferred hub that attracts people to reside and work’.

Amendments have been made in a number of areas including personal status, civil transactions, the penal code and criminal procedure laws.

Provisions have also been made for expats to have their personal affairs dealt with in accordance to the law of their home country.

Laws that will be affected by these reforms cover issues including inheritance, divorce, wills, the consumption of alcohol and more.

According to reports, the consumption of alcohol without a license if consumed at home or at a licensed venue has been decriminalised.

In addition, unmarried couples may now live together and divorce, wills and inheritance can be settled in accordance with the law of the resident’s home country where possible.

For the latest news stay tuned to Time Out.