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UK-UAE air corridor opens: quarantine lifted for travellers

Dubai, Abu Dhabi added to UK travel corridor

The UK has added the UAE to its air corridor list, meaning visitors arriving in the UK from Dubai or Abu Dhabi will no longer have to self-isolate for two weeks upon arrival.

The change in rules for travel between the UAE and the UK comes into effect at 4am on Saturday November 14. Until then, travel between Dubai and the UK, or Abu Dhabi and the UK, has been limited.

Other countries added to the UK’s travel corridor list include Bahrain, Iceland, Chile, Cambodia and Laos.

Under current rules, tourists from the UK are also exempt from presenting a negative COVID-19 PCR test dated 96 hours before arrival in Dubai.

They can instead take a COVID-19 test at Dubai International Airport upon arrival.

Travel to Abu Dhabi and other emirates resumed for tourists at the end of September, but arrivals in Abu Dhabi must self-isolate for 14 days, and wear an electronic wristband that monitors your location to ensure you abide by the quarantine requirement.

International travellers are expected to disclose the date of entry at all ports and are required to abide by quarantine regulations in Abu Dhabi.

Failure to do so can result in fines as outlined by the Attorney General.

All travellers to the UAE must also take a PCR nasal swab test before boarding their flight in their home country.

As the UK is currently under lockdown, tourists will not be able to travel from the UK to the UAE until at least December 2, as all but essential travel is currently banned.