Posted inWellbeing

Kaya Skin Clinic – tried & tested

Dermarolling scar reducing treatment on offer

The promise
A small metal roller pin-pricks into pores to stimulate the skin’s natural collagen production, reducing scarring and the appearance of pore size.

The experience
After a facial therapist mentioned that our skin wasn’t spotty, rather it was scarring on our cheeks, we visited Kaya Skin Clinic to try out Dermarolling, which seemed to be the least traumatic remedy.

We arrived for our appointment 30 minutes early in order to have the numbing cream applied – at this point we started to feel a little nervous. Sweaty palms and fidgety fingers ensued for the whole 30 minutes, while various sections of our face going numb made us no less agitated.

Our mouth went first – it felt a bit like the numbness at the dentist, where you aren’t quite sure if you are dribbling or not. We took some deep breaths to calm our inner chatter and then doctor came in.

The doctor cleaned off the numbing cream and showed us the tool he would be using. He calmly explained that he would roll it over our face, and then a mask to calm the skin would be applied.

We flinched while he was getting ready to use the roller, and every time we thought he moved we jerked in our seat. He calmly placed the roller on our face and started moving it back and forth quickly and fluidly. The numbing cream had apparently done the trick because we opened our eyes in shock at the lack of pain. We could barely feel anything except a light facial massage. It was actually kind of enjoyable, if not a little ticklish.

After the doctor was finished, we sneaked a peak of our face, which felt very hot. A raging red complexion stared back at us in the mirror and we sniggered at ourselves. To finish, a thick cooling mask was applied and helped reduce the redness a little. We relished this part.

We did get a few strange looks as we walked through the mall out of the clinic, but we are too relieved that we made it through the treatment to care very much.

The results
Clean tight pores and heavily reduced scarring were the results after only one session. We were shocked at the shrunken size of our pores, which were still healthy and small a week later. It’s a fast and (relatively) easy fix for minor scarring.

This treatment is by far the most effective method we have tried to quickly shrink pores and helps reduce the appearance of scars. Our scarred cheeks seem clear
and our pores… what pores?

It’s not recommended to make any plans following this treatment, unless it’s to a fancy dress party. No make-up or hot water for a good eight hours after and your face will feel a little tender for the next day or so.

Dermarolling is Dhs650 per session, Kaya Skin Clinic, various locations including Al Raha Mall, (02 556 2911).