Posted inWellbeing

The history of the hammam

We chart the origins of Morocco’s greatest export

Caitlyn Davey looksat the tradition and now modern techniques of the Moroccan cleansing ritual.

Morocco is known for plenty of things – argan oil, great food and, probably most popular, an all-over body cleanse that scrubs the dead skin away better than any other treatment. With that in mind we absolutely had to take a closer look.

The Moroccan bath, known simply as hammam, is a traditional cleansing treatment offered across the Middle East and in variations around the globe. There are generally two types – Moroccan and Turkish.

We spoke to Myriam Tessom at the Sofitel’s So Spa about the Moroccan hammam to find out about, and to try this unusual historic ritual. ‘The Moroccan bath can vary in styles and settings. A Moroccan bath is usually taken in a room which looks like a regular bathroom the only difference being the pipe with steam. It is quite a big room where two can be seated. The room is always humid and wet even if the pipes are not on, it’s slightly dark inside to make you feel more relaxed and sleepy,’ Myriam tells us.

History of the hammam
The hammam originated from the days of the Roman empire, when Greeks placed a high value on washing – citizens made weekly visits to the local bathhouses to cleanse themselves. The importance of cleanliness saw the development of these bathing rituals quickly adopted into Arabic culture, predominantly centred around the ablution before prayer. The lack of plumbing in homes in Morocco created a need for the bathing houses where this ancient treatment could be found, hence the development of what we now recognise as a social spa treatment.

The treatment
Myriam explains the process to us. ‘Firstly, you will receive a quick shower and then be covered by the soap which is black and looks like a thick gel, the person then has to sit for ten minutes inside the steam bath, waiting until the body pores to open from the steam. This is the zenith moment when the soap starts to work and cleans and softens the whole body, then it is washed off. After washing the black soap from the body we start scrubbing the skin with a special mitt. We scrub the dead skin, and other dirt from the body, then shower. To finish the Moroccan bath there is another cream that is applied.’

We mosey into the hammam room, and lie down on the heated ‘bed’. Myriam explains the benefits of this super-scrub. ‘Moroccan bath is done to clean and soften the skin, it also helps to relax the body and mind and helps blood circulation, the veins and joints in the body and releases all the pain and stress.’ It’s like a really relaxing and glorified wash. We get rinsed off and then covered in the foamy soap. We get a little sleepy during the process, but are next we are escorted into a steam room, where we get even drowsier.

After the soap has worked it’s magic it’s back onto the bed to be rinsed off and then the scrubbing begins. The special mitt gives a firm but gentle exfoliation that is also like an unusual massage.

‘You should know that hammam is contraindicated if you have a respiratory illness in the acute stage, such as bronchitis, or pneumonia in the acute stage,’ Myriam warns. ‘It is absolutely contraindicated to go to the bath with a fever, pregnancy, skin infections or sunburn.’

The end result is that we are sleepy and relaxed – far more than we expected. Our skin feels alive and fresh and we smell heavenly (if we do say so ourselves). This ritual is definitely an experience to try.
Moroccan hammam is Dhs522 for 60 minutes. So Spa, Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche, Corniche Road East (02 813 7777).

Hammams to try

The Yas Viceroy does the luxe version of this ritual; it’s a total body relaxation experience in a chic setting.
Espa at Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi, Yas Island (02 656 0862).

For men
The tailor-made treatment for the guys. This ritual isn’t just for girls!
The Lounge, Khaleej Al Arabi Street, (02 667 7377).

Get an all-over body scrub to relax yourself.
Alla Moda Ladies’ Salon, Al Nahyan (02 643 3008).