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New art exhibition in Abu Dhabi pays tribute to a UAE great

Head to The Cultural Foundation for the tribute to Abdul Raheem Salem

For many of us in life, we are able to express ourselves and be successful based on the foundations laid down by those before us. Sir Isaac Newton coined the phrase ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, paying tribute to those that led the way for others to follow.

In the UAE arts scene, many have made a name for themselves but one the leading lights, inspiring the generations that followed, is Abdul Raheem Salem one of the founders of the Emirates Fine Art Society.

As a pioneer of the local arts scene, the work of Salem has inspired thousands of artists in the UAE and helped them to find their own way.

Paying tribute to his legacy and influence, a new exhibition at The Cultural Foundation is bringing together established and emerging local artists to honour Salem’s contribution the arts in the UAE.

Maheerah will see 35 artists share work for the event including 25 fine artist and ten video content producers.

Each contributor has been united under the theme of the work and career of Abdul Raheem Salem. Taking place from November 15 to February 22, 2021, the exhibition will be open to the public at The Cultural Foundation at Qasr Al Hosn.

As part of the exhibition, video works will bring the theme to life through a series of short films. On canvas, the fine artists will capture the theme’s essence in oil, water and acrylic portraits measuring 1.5m by 2.5m.

But what is Maheerah? Maheerah is a story about a beautiful girl in Sharjah in the 1950s who after rejecting a proposal from a man was cursed and robbed of her beauty, leading her to become an outcast from her community.

Salem first heard this story from his grandmother and it left a deep impression on him and influenced his work throughout the years, finally beginning to paint his visions of her in the 90s. Emirati stories like Maheerah have been a source of inspiration for Salem in his work and reflect the heritage of the UAE.

Capturing these stories and the themes and paying tribute to one of the UAE’s greatest living artists is the task at hand for all 35 artist participating in the exhibition this year.

Through a range of multimedia interpretations and paintings, the latest exhibition will display how the younger generation of local creatives interpret their culture and heritage all the while paying tribute to a leading light in the region.
Free. Nov 15-Feb 22, 2021. The Cultural Foundation, Qasr Al Hosn (02 657 6348).