Posted inCulture

Manarat Al Saadiyat Abu Dhabi launches new virtual reality art exhibition

See the desert and night’s sky like never before

In 2020, many of us have had to change everyday things. Remote working has become commonplace, social distancing is widespread and when it comes to engaging with art, culture and music we’re more comfortable than ever to do so from home on a screen.

Bringing the community together and sharing stunning photography with the community, a new virtual gallery has launched in Abu Dhabi.

Celestial: A Journey Through Space and Time has launched with Manarat Al Saadiyat to showcase the work of UAE-based photographer Samy Olabi.

Running until December 31, the exhibition features a series of photos of the dessert and the nights sky captured by the astrophotographer.

Adding an extra dimension, photos can be viewed using VR headsets, allowing you to immerse yourself in the image completely.

“Astronomy, arts and adventure were always a passion of mine since I was a child. I used to go camping with my friends when we were teens and we used to lay down, stargaze and dream of travelling through space among galaxies and stars. When I grew up and took Construction Management as a source of living, my passion for art and adventure eventually led me to pursue photography,” said the artist, Samy Olabi.

He added: “Through photography, you can freeze a great moment of time, or share a breath-taking scene with the world. You can deliver deep meaning by expressing your ideas and concepts, which pictures convey silently to dramatic effect. Photography is a visual language that is widely understood and it represents a time-out from the hustle and rapid rhythms of life.”
Free. Until Dec 31.