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New traffic system to detect mobile phone and seatbelt violations in Abu Dhabi

The new system will be in place from January 1, 2021

A new smart travel system has been announced for Abu Dhabi from the beginning of next year.

The new automated system will detect specific traffic violations from drivers and will improve road safety across the emirate by deterring dangerous driving.

The Department of Government Support – Abu Dhabi (DGS), represented by Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) has announced the completed development of a new travel system to detect violations in the emirate.

In cooperation with Abu Dhabi Police, the new system will be launched from January 1, 2021 across the emirate.

The Vehicular Attention and Safety Tracker (VAST) system will automatically detect drivers and passengers who fail to wear seatbelts and will also detect drivers using their mobile phones while behind the wheel.

The new system has been launched to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers and all road users and to raise awareness and educate drivers on safe driving procedure in Abu Dhabi.

All those caught violating the rules of the road can face fines and will be punished for failing to adhere to safety measures in the emirate.

The new VAST system is part of efforts by the Abu Dhabi Government to develop an innovative and effective digital government.

Abu Dhabi drivers have recently been warned to be responsible when disposing of personal protective equipment (PPE) or fines of Dhs1,000 can be issued.
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