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Three cool restaurant bars to try in Abu Dhabi

Try these Time Out-recommended venues

We’re not short of options for venues to visit when heading out for a drink.

From swanky venues to chic mixed drink bars, there’s a plethora of options for those heading out into the city.

Want to try something different? Here are three Time Out recommended restaurant bars that are worth a visit and a few of your hard earned dirhams.

Butcher and Still

We’ve dined at Butcher and Still on a number of occasions and it truly is a brilliant restaurant, hitting all the right notes and rarely missing a mark. And the venue itself oozes class, modelled to resemble 1920s Chicago. It’s chic, sleek, art deco and brilliant. We almost feel the need to put on a pin stripe suit and slick back our hair but we resist temptation. Of course there are loads of drinks to choose from and some from mixed drinks to Scottish premium beverages.
Read the full review here.


One restaurant that has a fantastic bar is Tamba. The indoor area, with huge copper bells hanging from the ceiling, is charming. Then there’s the terrace, which might not have the greatest of views (unless you love being in the middle of the cityscape), but does have a good atmosphere. No matter how many years you’ve lived in the city, it’s nice to watch people go about their business down below (especially if you’re
Read the full review here.

Todd English’s Olives

The Venetian Village is home to a lot of great spots for a bite to eat, a few drinks or a night cap and we love visiting the area whenever we get a chance. Todd English’s Olives, the Italian restaurant by the US chef, has a reputation for serving up some great dishes but it also has a smart bar area. The indoor space is dimly lit and cool, feeling a lot more like an elegant lounge than a restaurant. Keep walking past the pasta making room and make your way to the bar at the back and you’ve got yourself a great place to meet friends for a few drinks.
Read the full review here.

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For more Time Out bar reviews, click here.