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Three quirky restaurants to check out in Abu Dhabi

Try these Time Out-recommended venues

Whether it’s fine dining or picking up a quick shawarma for the road, there are restaurants of all kinds in this city.

But what about something out of the ordinary?

Here in Abu Dhabi there are some venues that are just, plain different.

Don’t believe us?

Check out these three quirky Time Out-recommended venues that are anything but ordinary.

Geek Kitchen Restaurant

We’re firm believers that if you’re going to have a theme then you should go all-in. If it’s a beach bar then we expect sand, street food shouldn’t be served on nice white plates, and if you decide to launch something called Geek Kitchen Restaurant, we expect to find plenty of things to please our inner (and outer) nerd. Thankfully, there are Funko Pops everywhere from superheroes to pop stars and everything in-between. The walls are also adorned with loads of cartoons depicting Star Wars characters, Avengers and more (all tucking into food). The menu is brilliantly designed to look like a comic book.
To read the full review click here.

Panda Bao Bao

We’ve been fans of this unique restaurant for a while. Now in a new location, we’re pleased to enjoy the same great food, kooky décor and affordable prices in a bigger room. It might still be small, but you can’t miss the place there are two pandas outside the door, for a start. Once you’re in, a massive cuddly panda takes pride of place in the dining room. Panda art is on the walls, some of the plates have pandas on them and, well, we imagine you’ve noticed the theme by now.
To read the full review click here.

The Boundary

The food scene in this city is so varied, so far-ranging and diverse it makes Abu Dhabi a foodie’s dream. So, we should never be surprised to be caught off guard when it comes to the location of a restaurant. That being said, one place that we’ve never eaten before is a cricket stadium. And if you haven’t either, add this one to your list.
To read the full review click here.

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