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7 essential packing tips for a family staycation

Expert advice for a stress-free UAE road trip

Planning a half term with the whole family? This expert packing advice might come in handy.

UAE staycations are a brilliant way to spend some quality time with the gang during the holidays, but the process of getting there with little ones in tow can be more than a little daunting.

From what to pack and how to keep kids entertained from hours on end in the car, coupled with constantly worrying whether you are going to run out snacks, you might end up completely frazzled by the time you arrive at your destination.

BabySouk founder, Kirsten Fairfield, has seven essential tips to keep stress levels down as you get ready to head off on your family trip.

Pack each child their own bag for the car

A top tip is always to pack a car bag for each child – don’t let them see if before you get into the car and in it put toys to keep them entertained. Think books, little sets of Lego and of course sweets in case all else fails. A game can also keep kids occupied and make any journey fly by, but you don’t want to be carrying lots of equipment to make it work. So keep it simple. Easy games like I-Spy are the best.

Pack all the snacks

For the ones on solid, grown-up food, make sure you pack plenty of snacks. Like an irritable cat who hasn’t had its morning Whiskas, a hungry toddler will be sure to let you know if they’re hungry. So you don’t have to wait until you pass the next fuel station, fend them off with snacks.

Invest in a travel cot

Travel cots are superb for babies and toddlers. Although some hotels offer beds for babies, they’re often pretty poor, with saggy mattresses and no shields to prevent babies from falling out. It’s better to play safe and bring your own.

Don’t forget the pushchair

A pram or buggy can be useful on holiday even if your child is walking, serving as a place for them to rest during day trips, a makeshift bed when out in restaurants and something to help with carrying the bags.

Pack a portable steriliser

If you have to sterilise things regularly, consider taking a portable steam steriliser; they work well and with minimum fuss. For sterilising small items on the move – for example dummies or teething toys – you can use sterilising tablets in a watertight screw-top container keeping you and your family safe whilst you’re on the move.

Bring a baby carrier

Perfect for walking around the hotel or beach strolls, a baby carrier or sling is a must-have for hands-free ease..

Get yourself a pop-up booster

The Bombol pop-up booster seat is a light, portable and upholstered booster that pops open to become a sturdy, comfy seat when you need it – and folds completely flat when you don’t. Simply slip one in your bag and you’re away. Olive oil or tomato sauce on the menu? A quick wipe and the booster is good as new, thanks to a stain, abrasion and odour-proof finish new to baby products. A simple, effective seat cover protects the chair from messy eaters and dirty shoes whilst the harness is also removable, so you can throw it in the wash.

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