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List of countries letting in vaccinated travellers

Need to know info for wanderlusters

The UAE’s robust response to the global health crisis allowed the country to be ahead of the curve in welcoming international travellers back to its sunny shores.

And as the rest of the world plays catch up, an increasing number of nations around the globe are easing travel restrictions to those who have been inoculated against COVID-19.

At the most extreme end, several have already announced that they will allow proof of vaccination as an alternative to existing testing and quarantine requirements.

The latest destination to announce it will offer an exemption from restrictions for vaccinated travellers is Croatia. The country has said that all fully vaccinated travellers, from any country, will now be able to skip the country’s testing and quarantine arrangements.

Elsewhere, from July 1, the Thai island of Phuket will allow international visitors to skip the country’s strict 14-day quarantine – as long as they have been fully vaccinated.

The South American country of Ecuador (as well as its famously wild territory the Galápagos Islands) has introduced similar measures. International visitors will now be let in without a negative test result – if they can provide proof of vaccination.

The central American country of Belize has also started allowing in those who have had both doses of the vaccine to enter the country without having to provide a negative test result.

That decision came shortly after neighbour Guatemala announced that it, too, would allow in travellers who have had both doses of the vaccine at least two weeks before arrival.

Harry Theoharis, Greece’s tourism minister, said it would open up to international visitors from May 14 – so as long they can prove they have had the vaccine, have antibodies, or can provide a negative test result.

Poland, meanwhile, has announced that anyone who’s been vaccinated against Covid-19 will now be exempt from a mandatory quarantine on arrival. For the moment, this only applies to countries it is currently allowing limited travel from (this includes all EU nations and around a dozen other countries).

Travellers from anywhere in the world may also now enter the Baltic state of Estonia without having to self-isolate for ten days on arrival. Visitors must either have received one of the jabs, or have recovered from Covid-19, sometime within the past six months.

At opposite ends of Europe, Iceland and Romania are waiving strict testing and quarantine requirements if travellers can show a vaccination certificate. In both cases, travellers who can provide proof that they have had Covid-19 – and have since recovered – may also enter.

The Seychelles, an archipelago off the east coast of Africa, has reopen its borders to everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

Several other countries are considering the move, but have not yet made it official. Thailand’s tourism minister has suggested that his country’s borders will reopen to all tourists who’ve had the jab from July, and Singapore has also said it is considering relaxing travel restrictions for those who’ve had the vaccine.

However, it will only do this once the vaccines have been proved to significantly curb the spread of the virus.

Since April 1, the island of Cyprus has welcomed Israeli visitors who have had both doses of the jab at least a week before travelling, as well as Brits from May 1 – even though the UK’s ban on all international leisure travel will still be in place until at least May 17.

In similar plans, Portugal’s tourism minister has said that British travellers who test negative or have had both doses of the vaccine will be allowed to visit from May 17.

So when you do finally get your shot, make sure to hang on to every piece of paper you receive. Later this year, it could be the difference between hitting the beach and not even making it past border control.