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Eid in the UAE

We spoke to a 24-year-old graduate about the festival

Though the fundamental elements stay the same, every culture the world over will enrich the Eid celebrations with their varied and colourful traditions. So how do Emirati families in the UAE celebrate Eid al-Fitr? We spoke to a 24-year-old graduate education officer to find out.

What does Eid mean to you?
A lot. It’s a celebration of people joining together. It’s an expression of joy, happiness and unity. Eid reminds me of close family and friends and meeting far relatives. It’s a happy day where we celebrate the gifts of completing Ramadan; it’s a reward and a pleasant memory of festivity. Eid means lasting memories of love with a feeling of connectedness, a feeling of peace and of sincerity.

How do your family prepare for Eid?
We prepare by wearing new clothes, cooking delicious dishes, visiting friends and family and welcoming visitors. On the morning of Eid my grandmother prepares a big basket of fruits and ma’amoul (date filled cookie-cakes). She has all kinds of sweets and savoury dishes ready. Awaiting her guests, children and grandchildren, she brings out her special plates and glasses, her new forks and knives.

What Eid foods do you eat?
One traditional dish is irsia. This is a sweet dish of rice pudding which is usually served in the morning. For lunch it is a tradition to have malih, a dish made of tuna and rice with tomatoes, usually served with a lot of lemon.

How about Eid gifts?
It is common in Eid to give children and younger ones eidia, the gift of money. I remember as a kid I would count the eidia to buy a toy I’d been longing to have.

Who do you celebrate with?
Eid is a celebration shared between everyone across the world, so we celebrate with the global Muslim community. On a more personal level, I celebrate with all my friends and family. For those who I cannot reach, I’ll send messages and emails with Eid greetings.

How does your family celebrate?
By meeting with family members and friends. Family is a very important part of Eid. It is also a time to meet with extended family as well as friends. We do travel sometimes in the Eid time and when we do, we get to practise the tradition wherever we go.

What have you got planned?
I am looking forward to seeing friends and family. It also happens to be that the first day of Eid coincides with my birthday! It will be particularly special for me this time.