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Charlotte Simpson show at Light Box Gallery

Photographer tells us about wildlife-inspired exhibition

How long does it take to catch a lion’s gaze? A whole afternoon apparently – at least that’s how long it took Charlotte Simpson to capture that magic moment in her photograph ‘The Pride Within’. In the artist’s own words, photographing wildlife takes a lot of patience. Waiting for the perfect image (that you may or may not get) requires focus and dedication. And it’s very rare to get a lion facing you with his ears pricked up, which makes Simpson’s photograph particularly special.

Simpson’s show A Journey Through The Masai Mara is the seventh in the Crossroads exhibition series at the Yas Viceroy hotel. It’s a breathtaking window to the Kenyan Mara-Serengeti, with its abundant wildlife and indigenous peoples. We spoke to the Dubai-based photographer about the wild encounters behind her pictures.

Why Kenya?
I have made several trips to Africa over the years; Mombassa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Kenya. Kenya is world-renowned for being the most abundant with wildlife, mainly in the Masai Mara.

We know you used a telephoto lens, but what was the closest you were able to get to some of your wilder subjects?
The guides are amazing in these parts and as long as we weren’t disturbing the game, we could get within six metres of the animals.

‘The River Crossing’ is a particularly powerful image. Can you tell us what it was like to actually be there?
This shot was a case of waiting for the thousands of wildebeest to gather from the drier pastures to make their way across the fast flowing river to the pastures green. You wait and watch as they stampede across the dusty terrain to stop at the top of the bank. A few wander down to the edge and nervously test the water. Something startles them and they run back up the bank. This process can go on for hours, until it takes a brave few to instil the confidence in the others, before they all follow into the crocodile-infested waters. When this frenzied crossing starts, there is no stopping them as they struggle desperately to the other side. It is so spectacular to watch. Sadly, the migration is delayed this year, because bush fires from political arson set alight for miles around the area are preventing the wildebeest from migrating.

Were all the photos shot in monochrome or were they edited later?
I always capture colour RAW files, because then I can adjust them however I like afterwards. As wall art, I feel the sepia tones look more classy in large-format images for the walls. It’s also in keeping with the contemporary look and feel of most home interiors at present.

There are some colour images too, mostly of the Masai tribespeople. Any particular reason why?
The Masai Mara are a colourful tribe. The mix of vibrant colours and textures they wear is their identity. Taking away the colour would have meant taking away this identity.
Crossroads #7 – A Journey Through The Masai Mara runs until September 10 at The Light Box Gallery, Yas Viceroy Hotel (02 656 0000).