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UAE reminds travellers of customs rules

Tips on what you can and can’t bring into the UAE

Planning to visit the UAE? Or even move to Dubai or Abu Dhabi?

Before you arrive there are a few things you should know, particularly about what travellers are allowed to bring into the country – and critically what they aren’t.

The Federal Customs Authority (FCA) has strict customs procedures in place to keep tabs on luggage, substances, commodities and cash lump sums entering the UAE.

And this week the FCA called on travellers to familiarise themselves with legislation so they don’t face fines.

So, what can go in the suitcase and what can’t?

Under GCC unified customs law, permitted luggage includes movie projection devices, radio and CD players, digital cameras, and TVs and corresponding receiver (one of each).

Personal sports equipment, portable computers and printers, and medication for personal use (provided it complies with applicable regulations) are also on the approved list.

Shopping for a friend or relative? Be aware that the value of gifts brought into the UAE by travellers should not exceed Dhs3,000 ($817), while the number of cigarettes allowed to be transported is capped at 200 per person.

Passengers coming to or departing the country must also disclose any currencies and precious metals valued at more than Dhs60,000 ($16,340).

Prohibited and restricted commodities include narcotics, gambling tools and machines, nylon fishing nets, raw ivory, laser pens with red light package, counterfeit currency, religiously offensive or immoral drawings and stone sculptures, as well as paan substances, including betel leaves, among others.

The FCA has urged passengers to avoid carrying luggage on someone else’s behalf, and to always carry certified prescription for medications.

Want to know more before travelling? For more details, head to

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