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6 Star Wars-esque scenes in the UAE

May the Fourth (and the rest of the month) be with you

It’s a day etched into the minds of Star Wars fans across the galaxy.

May 4 has rolled around once again, and be they lover of Wookies or Ewoks, film buffs are united in their adulation towards George Lucas and his deep space epic.

Much of the hat-trick of trilogies’ success (that’s nine instalments of the saga, for those without a calculator) can be attributed to the jaw-dropping locations, backdrops and space craft that helped bring alien worlds to life.

And that got us thinking about the other-worldly spots right on our doorstep.

Here are six Star Wars-worthy sites to be found across the UAE. May the force be with you…

Deathstar vibes from the Aldar Headquarters Abu Dhabi

This circular building close to the border of the capital may resemble a coin from two of its sides, but catch it at the right angle and it cuts the same shape as Darth Vader’s vessel of choice. Thankfully, Aldar’s focus is on property development, rather than construction of a planet-erasing Super Laser. Phew.

Feel like Luke in the mangroves of Abu Dhabi (kind of)

Luke Skywalker’s journey to greatness took many twists and turns, not least an iconic traipse through the swamps of Dagobah. And while Mangrove National Park is a little less boggy than the place where Yoda delivered one of the most spine-tingling lines in Hollywood history, it’s certainly a fine place to deliver your most emphatic attempt of “do or do not, there is no try” (accent optional).

One for the future at Zayed National Museum

Coruscant, capital of the Galactic Empire, is distinctly futuristic, which means the planned Zayed National Museum would not look out of place on one of its Tetris-like blocks. We may have a while yet to wait for the opening of the UAE’s latest grand cultural destination, but it’ll feel like a trip to the far flung reaches of space once we step on board.

Ready for blast off in Dubai’s indomitable Burj Khalifa

The most iconic building on this earth is straight up out of this world, and worthy of Star Wars-levels of acclaim. A rocket ready to blast off or fortress upon which hero and villain swing lightsabers until someone loses any arm, whichever way you frame Burj Khalifa it’s a location to be reckoned with. It also doesn’t take much imagination to see a laser shooting from atop its spire…

The spacecraft-like Museum of the Future

One of Dubai’s more creative architectural feats (and that’s saying something), the Museum of the Future has more than a few shades of intergalactic space craft about it. And while it probably won’t be beating the Millennium Falcon in any hyperdrive drag races (particularly as it has yet to open its hanger bay doors) it still bags mega points for design.

Travel out into the UAE’s vast and mesmerising deserts

Tatooine is one of the most famous planets in that galaxy far, far away, and plenty of it bears a striking resemblance to the shifting sands of the UAE. Drive far enough off the beaten path and you’ll soon feel like you’re standing on another world – without The Sarlacc (thank goodness).

Spotted any other Star Wars scenes across the UAE? Let us know at