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You can pay for your flight when it lands with new Colibra app

No more faffing around with refunds if your flight is cancelled

With more and more destinations opening up to tourists across the globe, we’re basically living with our weekend bag packed at the moment.

But as restrictions change by the second, we’ve found ourselves all dressed up with nowhere to go after our flight has been cancelled multiple times.

There’s nothing worse than having to faff around with an airline trying to get a refund, but that could soon be a thing of the past with this new app.

Colibra, which is available on Android and iOS, lets you book flights with no upfront cost, and you’ll only pay if your flight is completed and less than three hours late.

What’s even better is that even if your flight is delayed by just one hour, you’re guaranteed compensation.

Sounds too good to be true? Here’s how it works…

Like we said, getting compensation from an airline can be a total pain, but Colibra makes it easier by filing claims for pools of its users under the EU 261/2004 directive.

This directive means that airlines have to compensate up to €600 for every flight cancellation or delay over three hours that they’re responsible for.

Once Colibra get the compensation back from the airlines for these flight delays, the company then spread the total pool across more travellers.

It means that every traveller is guaranteed a fixed, instant compensation for flight delays, even if it was by just an hour.

So what’s the catch? If you are one of the unlucky folks with a huge flight delay, you could be eligible for up to €600, but if you’ve booked through Colibra, the app will be using this money to be distributed among everyone, meaning your payout will be less.

You can head over to to read more in-depth about how it works.

We’ll certainly never be booking a flight directly again.
On Android and iOS.