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Eat Smart

Health conscious café with chic styling

Eat Smart has the sort of health-conscious menu you’d expect to see in Seattle or San Francisco – all that’s missing is a waiter with dreadlocks. Its interior is cozy-chic, with tables and sofas scattered throughout and kitchens on either end handling hot and cold orders.

I begin with the detox mojito, a bright green slush filled with ginger and fresh mint. It’s tart, but perfect for a rough tummy. The pizza offerings are simply too tempting and I opt for an aubergine, zucchini, and goat’s cheese number. The thin crust is loaded with toppings and just crisp enough to please. The leftovers also made a great midnight snack.

My dining companion’s ciabatta was fresh and flavorsome; the smoked turkey and sweet sun dried tomatoes were a perfect combination. Meanwhile I toss a few croutons in my red lentil soup, a hearty concoction spiced with cumin and garlic.

While everything was tasty and quick in coming, the prices are a bit high; certainly more so than you’d expect to pay in all but the nicest hotels. However, Eat Smart is a top lunchtime destination. On the upper level near the entryway is even an organic grocery store, which, for some reason, stocks a few not-so-natural items like Colgate and Kinder Eggs. Still, they have some fun pasta sauces and a few (mainly German) odds and ends we’ve yet to find elsewhere.

At last, Abu Dhabi has a great café with wholesome, satisfying food, and it’s not located in a noisy shopping mall or an expensive hotel. This is surely what we’ve been missing.
Eat Smart (02 634 6624), M&S Building. Open 9am-12 midnight daily