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Cool Expo 2020 Dubai installation opens at The Galleria Al Maryah Island

It won’t be here for long…

Are you as excited for Expo 2020 Dubai as we are? We didn’t think we could get more hyped, but the more we hear about what’s coming in the fall, the harder it is to wait this summer.

The Swiss Pavillion is giving Abu Dhabi residents a quick glance into the journey awaiting us with a “Swiss Fog Magnified” installation at The Galleria Al Maryah Island.

The installation features an open white cube with over 1,000 crystal glass droplets hanging from a mirrored ceiling. It presents an abstract interpretation of the Swiss Pavillion highlight: the Sea of Fog. When entering the installation, you find yourself in the middle of a white blanket of the stuff.

It was inaugurated on Wednesday June 9 by HE Massimo Baggi, Ambassador of Switzerland to the UAE and Bahrain. It won’t be around for long, so be sure to swing by The Galleria Al Maryah Island before it’s disassembled on Tuesday June 15.

“Swiss Fog Magnified” was created by the Embassy of Switzerland in the UAE in collaboration with The Galleria Al Maryah Island. It was created by Bellprat Partner, the creative Swiss agency that is also responsible for the pavilion’s design and scenography at Expo 2020.

HE Massimo Baggi, Ambassador of Switzerland to the UAE & Bahrain, said: “The Swiss Fog Magnified reflects one of the key elements awaiting the visitors of the Swiss Pavilion; which is an emotional experience centered around authentic Swiss fog… We are looking forward to welcoming you in our pavilion in October 2021”.

Talk about a ‘gram opportunity…

If you’re wondering what food to expect at Expo 2020, wonder no more. We have the full list.

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