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Khalifa City ‘B’

What’s the area like?For the time being at least, this

What’s the area like?
For the time being at least, this is the poorer cousin of the Khalifa developments, in terms of what is ready and the facilities currently available. Until the infrastructure and the rest of the buildings are completed, it will continue to seem like it’s out on the desert fringe (which it is), but as with many of these developments, it is built with an eye on the future, and as the city centre sprawls out over the bridges (in the coming decade), it will come more into the fold. However, with much of it still being developed, rents are more reasonable as speculators are forced to face reality.

What amenities? There are still no real facilities yet. Residents tend to hop across Airport Road to Khalifa City A for supplies, or either head down to the Spinneys in Mangrove Village or Carrefour on Old Airport Road for a proper shop.

Best for…
Those looking for an affordable option who don’t mind living in the desert.

Currently, the cost is pretty much the incentive. If you can drive, it isn’t that far from the city, and roughly a 25-30-minute commute. The neighbouring Khalifa City ‘A’ is the more advanced of the two, but given some time it could become a thriving area.

It feels like you’re living in the desert, and until recently, when the mosque was built, it was impossible for taxis to find. Simply put, you need a car; life is just too difficult without one here. There is also still a good deal of building to be done, and there’s not much of a community as yet, but the noise is at least kept to a minimum.

Prices vary between the more princely sums expected in Khalifa City ‘A’, and the cheaper prices in Mohammed Bin Zayed City.