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Khalifa City ‘A’

What’s the area like?Peace and quiet seem to be high

What’s the area like?
Peace and quiet seem to be high on the wish lists of people heading in this direction. Sure, the nightlife is non-existent; certainly, it feels a bit like the edge of the Empty Quarter; but as the future administrative capital of the UAE (come 2030), Khalifa City has a lot of promise. The villas that have already been completed are handsome properties, large and spacious, decked out in a variety of desert colours. Khalifa’s proximity to the airport and the Dubai highway also make it an attractive location for commuting workers.

There’s not much as yet, but as with Mohammed Bin Zayed City, they’re promising the earth in an area that looks like the moon. Current residents can find a pharmacy and a handful of supermarkets on 16th Street.

Best for…
Wild-eyed visionaries.

Away from the hustle and bustle, remote communities such as Khalifa City tend to develop their own sense of camaraderie. An abundance of schools in the area make this a popular breeding ground for young families, and Khalifa City ‘A’ has been promised parks a-plenty.

Getting to the city requires a military precise level of logistical planning, and even simple trips to the local Al Raha Mall can be hazardous, with the area obviously planned for wheels rather than feet.

We found a two-bed in a split villa for Dhs145,000. Add Dhs60,000 to that if you fancy a pool and garden.