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5 celebrity female golfers

Need a little inspiration to get on the green, girls?

Celine Dion

Owning the most oppressive set of five-octave vocal chords yet developed is not enough for Ms Dion. No, she won’t rest until she has the putting green well within her icy borders. Owner of Le Mirage Golf Club in Quebec, she apparently developed an interest in the sport when her husband built a small course ‘in the backyard’. Large or small, we believe her cart will go on (drum roll, cymbal crash, ‘I thank you.’)

Catherine Zeta Jones

On hearing that the object of his desires liked to play golf, Michael Douglas (Jones’s doddery old hubbie) famously proclaimed, ‘The deal’s done!’ Ah, the old romantic. Indeed, Catherine puts much of their marital success down to time on the fairway. ‘I use the time to catch up with him properly,’ she has said. ‘Golf is a great way to spend time together and have a good chat.’

Belinda Carlisle

Heaven may not be a place on earth but Cannes-Mougins Golf Club certainly is, and that’s where you’ll find the Carlisle family most weekends. Belinda, who now lives in the South of France, will always be better known for her time with the Go-Go’s, but in recent years you’re as likely to find her waxing lyrical in any number of glossy American golfing magazines.

Jodie Kidd

Now that she’s ‘too fat for the catwalk’ (her words not ours), British model Jodie Kidd has a lot of time on her hands. Most of it she seems to spend helping out various charities, but even then she’s found a way to get in a few rounds – specifically the Jodie Kidd Foundation Golf Classic. So, what does she do when she’s not playing golf for charity? ‘I race cars.’ And? ‘I play golf.’ Enough said, Jodie.

Cameron Diaz

Back in the good old days, when Cameron was dating Justin, the celebrity pair would often book into a course to spend some quality time together. No matter how soothing the game was, however, Cameron often found alternative ways to release her stress, invariably screaming and hurling the clubs around the fairway much further than she could ever hope to knock a ball. Timberlake didn’t stick around long enough to comment.