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The 17:59 club

Been clock watching all day at work? Time Out finds out what fun is to be had after work in Abu Dhabi

Culture clubs

Become a potter
Abu Dhabi Pottery
Images of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in Ghost might be floating somewhere in the back of your brain when you think of pottery, but it’s best to dispel them quickly. This is hard graft. But, not to worry, Homa Farley’s pottery classes cater for all standards – moulding things is her job, and that goes double for people. This 90-minute class is a friendly affair, usually starting you off with simple clay pinching before you even go near a wheel. The building also houses a gallery and plenty of Homa’s work is on display; however, it’s best to focus on what you’re doing – a simple jug can become an eyesore at a moment’s notice.

Cost: Dhs150 per session or Dhs400 for four sessions

When: Ongoing, Sun-Mon 6pm-7.30pm

Where: Abu Dhabi Pottery, opposite Khalidaya Garden

Contact: Homa on 02 666 7079

Make jewellery

For groups of no less than five, Zeus Shakira’s jewellery-making classes are something of an institution. They cost Dhs150 per class and, while you also have to pay for the beads, that rarely amounts to much.
Times vary; call Zeus on 050 691 4692 to arrange a class.

Stretch your vocal chords
Abu Dhabi Choral Group
While the amateur dramatic scene in the capital is restricted largely to one private group (Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society at The Club), you can exercise your vocal talents with the Abu Dhabi Choral Group, which has been going strong for 30 years. Towards the end of the year the group puts on a number of concerts. Bear in mind that you do not have to audition for the choir, but they do expect people to sing in tune. However, you don’t have to sing: behind-the-scenes people to help with arrangements and promotions are also wanted.

Cost: Dhs300 for a year’s membership

When: From Sep 9, Wed from 7.30pm

Where: The British School, Al Khubeirat

Contact: Email to register interest

Get Creative
A ladies-only class (Dhs520 per month) held on Sunday and Thursday evenings (times vary). Classes are ongoing and restart in October, beginning with pencil and charcoal drawing and moving on to watercolours. They also offer evening mosaic and dry flower classes after Ramadan. Contact Abu Dhabi Ladies’ Club on 02 666 4449 for more info.

Learn to draw
Salwa Zeidan Gallery

While the Cultural Foundation undergoes its much-anticipated relocation, these freehand drawing classes fill a lamentable gap in the city’s artistic CV. Lyn Raymer has run a gallery in Hong Kong for over 10 years, regularly teaching freehand drawing classes during that period. Having recently moved to Abu Dhabi, this month she hosts the first of two complimentary drawing classes at the Salwa Zeidan Gallery. Rumours are they could become regular events. We hope so.

Cost: Free (places limited)

When: First class on Tue Sep 8, 7pm-8.30pm; second class TBA

Where: Salwa Zeidan Gallery, Khaleej Al Arabi Street

Contact: Ana on 02 666 9656 or email

Play the oud
The House Of Oud is the city’s primary traditional music school. One-hour oud classes are held three times a week between 5pm and 9pm. Tuition costs Dhs1,000 per month, while an open invitation to jam with the teachers is an added bonus.
Call 02 641 5699 to arrange classes.

Talk about books
The Abu Dhabi Book Club meets up at a different member’s venue every second Monday of the month at 8pm. It is ladies only, so gents need not apply. The next meeting is on Fri Sep 14, discussing White Tiger by Aravind Adiga.
Email to sign up.

Get fit..

Swing around a pole
Vertical Flex at Expressions Of Dance And Drama

Pole dancing (sorry, ‘vertical flex’) is something you might not normally imagine yourself doing – but these classes are private, so there’s not much to blush at. It’s all girls together, and the atmosphere is suitably jovial. There’s nothing sordid about it; as the name suggests, there is clearly an attempt to steer the dance away from its seedy beginnings. The emphasis is entirely on fitness and, as you find yourself clambering up and down the pole like a rather agile cat, your muscles will cry out for mercy. Moves like ‘the snake’ and the ‘body ripple’ might make a man weak at the knees, but when it’s all girls together it’s just a bit of a giggle.

Cost: Dhs250 for a five-week course

When: Private classes in the evenings

Where: ADCB Building, Corniche

Contact: Joanne on 02 626 2533

Learn how to look good
If you can’t be bothered to exercise, you can still look good and get a healthy glow with these make-up and skincare classes, due to be held Sundays and Wednesdays. Depending on demand, evening classes can be arranged at Dhs2,160 (non-members) for 12 classes. Needless to say, it’s not one for the guys.
Contact Abu Dhabi Ladies’ Club on 02 666 2228.

Bend and stretch
Yoga at Abu Dhabi Fitness Club

All too many of the city’s yoga classes are just for women, which makes an after-work mixed yoga course something of a rariety for gents in search of a bit of relaxation, not to mention couples in search of a new hobby. Although, for some, the thought of watching your loved one perform a ‘downward dog’ might prove that one step too far. However, yoga at the Abu Dhabi Fitness Club is pretty relaxed and the teacher offers a slow form of yoga. It isn’t very aggressive and so it’s ideal for those just starting out.

Dhs40 per class, Dhs400 for 12 classes

When: From Sep, Tue and Thu 6.30pm and 8.30pm

Where: Abu Dhabi Fitness Club

Contact: Call 02 443 6333 for more information

Kick some butt
The Village Club

The One to One Hotel has just started running classes from its new fitness club, so where better to start than the deadly skills of muay Thai. A form of martial arts, it’s the kind of thing Chuck Norris comes up against on a daily basis: flying fists, deadly force and guys doing roundhouses to your face. No one ever said it would be easy. It’s basically kickboxing (but even more brutal), with every hard and/or pointy part of the body (hands, shins, elbows, knees) brought into play. Plenty of padding ensures you don’t go home looking like a bruised plum. Hey, if you’ve got the will of the warrior then who are we to stop you?

Cost: Dhs45 (members), Dhs60 (non members)

When: Mon-Tue and Sat 7.30pm-9pm (from 8pm during Ramadan), Fri 9pm-10.30pm

Where: One to One Hotel, Salaam Street

Contact: 02 495 2070

Train in Jiu-Jitsu
This Brazilian martial art is pretty hands on. It promotes the idea that the smaller, weaker opponent can defend themselves using an array of chokeholds and locks. Classes are held everyday at the Abu Dhabi Combat Club at 7pm (Dhs200 per month).
Call 02 443 0355 to sign up.

Go to boot camp
The whole idea of a boot camp is to fit exercise in and around work. This either takes the form of dozy-eyed 6am starts or, better still, wide-eyed 7.30pm evening sessions. For those who still have the energy for after-work runs and beach workouts, we salute you.
Call 02 406 9404 or visit

Join a league…

Aussie Rules Football
Abu Dhabi Falcons

Since starting last February, the Falcons have grown to more than 110 members, with over 40 registered players. ‘Anyone can join,’ says founder Jay Mears. ‘The team includes a couple of former Aussie pros, but we’ve already trained up a couple of guys from the US, South Africa and the UK.’ Membership doesn’t even require a sporting interest, with supporters receiving a discount at Avenue 3rd, a free polo shirt and ‘stubby holder’ (yes, they’re Australian). It’s pretty informal – supporters and players alike tend to share a pew after the match. However, it is a full-contact sport, warns Jay. ‘You’ve got to be able to hold your ground, but I’m 5ft 5in and 36 years old and I do OK.’

Cost: Dhs250 per member per year

When: From Sep 7, training is held Mon 8pm-10pm and games are Fri 1pm

Where: ASA American School

Contact: Jay on 050 668 3764 or visit

The new five-a-side basketball league at Yasmina School now includes both men’s (Mon 7.30pm-10.30pm) and women’s (Tue 7.30pm-10.30pm) divisions. Membership is Dhs320 per person (Dhs2,300 per team) and, as with all Duplays leagues, the season lasts for eight weeks before restarting again.
Contact to sign up.

Wasps Hash House Harriers

Dating back to colonial Malaysia, hashing draws a fine line between a running club and a social event. Traditionally the hare (lead runner) makes up a trail with chalk – using flour if it’s on sand – for the others to follow. The Wasps, however, are a little more laidback. The roots are well known and published via the mailing list beforehand. ‘We take it in turns to end up at someone’s house afterwards for dinner – we like the gourmet side,’ says longtime member Vance Stevens. You don’t have to be a good runner, some people even ‘push carts with babies in them’, we’re told, but it’s all good fun.

Cost: Dhs10 per run, Dhs5 for the meal

When: Ongoing, Tue after 6.30pm, times change regularly

Where: Venues vary

Contact: Vance Stevens on 050 667 6143 or visit

American flag football
Eschewing gridlocks and brute force for flags and dancing feet, the 10-week flag football season (Dhs400 per member, Dhs3,600 per team) starts from September 27, with seven-a-side 50-minute games at Zayed Sports City, testing the skills of players of all standards.
Email to sign up.

Abu Dhabi Strollers

The Strollers have become a Dhabian legend. The expat-driven club began in 1982 and now has around 120 members. Come Sunday, these are divided into teams of seven- and 11-a-side when the Al Ghazal Golf Club’s driving range is transformed (via the magic of cones) into a football haven. Such is its history, ‘we get a few sons of former players turning out for the Strollers’, says organiser Roland Blaney. Membership usually spreads via word-of-mouth and you can be any level to join. Think carefully, though, as Roland explains, ‘If you’re too good then you get bored, not good enough and your teammates get irritated.’ But it’s wall-to-wall kickabouts, basically – what could be better?

Cost: Dhs20 per session

When: Ongoing, Sun from 7pm

Where: Al Ghazal Golf Club

Contact: Roland at

Since the Irish hurling final was held at Ghantoot earlier this year, interest in hurling has steadily grown. Run by the Gaelic Athletics Association, the sport is like violent hockey, but with players having to carry the ball on sticks in order to run.
ASA American school, contact Declan on 050 323 6804 or visit

The Filipino 10-Pin Bowling League may have a rather prescriptive name, but you needn’t be Filipino to get involved. They have a separate league, which anybody can join – well, providing you’re male. You need a team of five (Dhs60 per person, plus rental costs), and the new season starts up again this month. Teams can’t join mid-league, so hurry.
Khalifa Bowling Centre, contact Alvin on 02 403 4648.

Abu Dhabi Netball League

While the city has seen an explosion in male-dominated sports, the netball league is now huge. ‘We have women who have never played and some who have played internationally,’ says Sarah Longland. The league sends out an email before the sign-on day, then players are put into teams judged on order of ability. You can sign up individually, or come as a full or partial team (the league will make up the numbers). Sarah’s mother signed her up a year ago after she moved to Abu Dhabi without knowing anyone. The atmosphere is pretty social, she admits, and a yearly ball brings everyone together. While in the future they are looking to develop a male league, for the time being it’s women only.

Cost: Dhs300 per member per year

When: From Sep 24, Tue 7pm-10pm

Where: Venue TBA

Contact: Email or visit

Gaelic football
Pretty similar to Aussie Rules (it’s just a different-shaped ball), training is held at the American School, off Airport Road, from 8pm-10pm for both the men’s and women’s teams.
Contact Declan on 050 323 6804 or visit

Ice hockey
Abu Dhabi Scorpions

The Scorpions were the first ice hockey club to be registered as a public team in the capital. During the summer, however, the ice hockey season grinds to a halt – not because of the heat (what with it being on ice ‘n’ all), but rather the mass exodus of expats. Practice starts up again this month, with teams playing each other every Sunday night in a round robin. ‘You can just show up to the ice rink on a Sunday to come and get a feel,’ says longtime member Ali Kaddas. Players provide their own skates and gear, but a shop at the Abu Dhabi rink sells all the necessary padding and helmets.

Cost: Dhs1,200 per member per year

When: From Sep 6, Sun 8pm-10pm

Where: Abu Dhabi Ice Rink

Contact: Ali on 050 621 6464 or visit

Ultimate Frisbee

A game seemingly without rules, a match consists of two teams of seven (Dhs300 per person, Dhs2,400 for the team) and the only real no-no is that you can’t run once you catch the Frisbee. You score by catching deep into your opponent’s ‘catch zone’ and stay on the pitch for as long as your red face can hack it. The new eight-week league is up and running and is played every Sunday and Tuesday from 7.30pm-10.30pm Zayed Sports City.
Contact to join.

Beach volleyball
A new Wednesday night six-a-side beach volleyball league is due to start from September 30. Members can join individually (Dhs400) or as a team (Dhs3,200); the fee covers eight weeks, at which point the league restarts.
Venue TBA, contact to sign up.

Abu Dhabi Harlequins has ladies’, men’s and veterans’ teams – all run out of the Al Ghazal Golf Club. Senior training is already under way, held on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7pm-9pm. The league doesn’t start until September 11, but anyone’s welcome to train. A recruitment evening will be held at Crowne Plaza on September 10 at 7pm.
Contact club captain Dave Stolzenberg on 050 592 0717 or Jennifer Matheson for the women’s team on 050 998 5569.

Something new

Become a fashion designer
Ladies, start your sewing machines. These fashion design classes teach you the basics of clothing design and kick off again after Ramadan at the Abu Dhabi Ladies’ Club. Times are flexible and courses last for eight classes (Dhs520 for non members).
Call 02 666 4449 to sign up.

Become a filmmaker
New York Film Academy Abu Dhabi

From film fan to Fassbinder in a few easy steps. Learn how to write a script, work a camera, shoot a film and then edit it in just 12 weeks. The film school takes budding Orson Welles’ and, over the course of a few months, helps them to create three short films. Anyone can join, although the schedule is rather intensive. You will, however, have the full facilities at Abu Dhabi Film School at your disposal, not to mention a tutor on hand to deliver nuggets of filmic wisdom.

Cost: Dhs12,950 per person (not including film stock)

When: From Oct 4, Sun, Wed and Tue 7pm-10pm

Where: Abu Dhabi Film School, Muroor Road

Contact: 02 446 6442 or email

Start juggling
This juggling company will come to you for Dhs1,500. Admittedly, that ain’t cheap for a one-hour session, but they normally do corporate team building, so if you get enough people together you can justify the expense.
Call Andy on 050 840 1770.

Take to the stage
The drama scene in Abu Dhabi is largely restricted to the Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society. The only problem is you have to be a member of The Club to join. They’ve already cast Rebecca in October, but they’re still looking for backstage staff.
Contact Jan Griffiths on 050 812 8382.

Learn to speak Arabic
Mother Tongue

Come on, you live in the Middle East. It’s no good muttering ‘insh’Allah’ every few minutes and expecting people to be impressed. ‘How difficult is it?’ we asked; ‘It’s quite similar to Urdu’ came the response. Enough said. For Western speakers, it may seem daunting (not least changing the direction you actually read), but the preliminary course is a pretty steady introduction, ploughing its way through two text books covering all the Arabic characters. After 36 hours, you won’t be fluent, but you should be on your way – insh’Allah.

Cost: Dhs1,800 for the 36-hour course (18 classes)

When: Ongoing, Sat, Mon and Wed or Sun, Tue and Thu 7pm-9pm

Where: Khalidaya, Zayed the First Street (above Formula One)

Contact: 02 639 3838 or visit

Learn to ride a horse
As well as offering desert treks, Dhabian Equestrian Club (open til 9pm) also provides riding lessons for all standards. Then, should you master the horse, there are even facilities for perfecting your polo skills before the season starts again in October. Dhs 120 for a private lesson.
Call Tina on 050 662 0969.

Take up salsa
Expressions Of Dance And Drama

Our salsa skills may have gotten a bit rusty over the summer, but a chance to polish them up courtesy of dancing Dave and the Expressions team is a welcome boon. The class is popular, largely with expats. Our experience is that even spouses clearly dragged along tend to have fun, and those without the dancing gift soon find their feet – albeit usually while standing on their partners’. The meek might want to shy away from the Mardi Gras class as you tend to have an audience, but once you’ve mastered your moves, show off your skills at Cinnabar’s weekly salsa nights after Ramadan ends (Sat, from 10pm).

Cost: Dhs300 for 10 classes

When: From Sep 7, Mon 8.30pm-9.30pm; Thu 8.30-9.30pm

Where: Mon at Mardi Gras, Al Diar Capital Building, Corniche; Thu at ADCB

Contact: Joanne on 02 626 2533