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Abu Dhabi insider

All of the latest news on what’s going on in the capital…

That’s all folks

Abu Dhabi’s multimedia organisation, Twofour54, is to launch an Arab animation academy in a deal with Time Warner’s Cartoon Network. The deal will include the opening of a school this September and production studios early next year.

The Twofour54 initiative is part of efforts by the capital to diversify its economy away from oil and establish the emirate as a cultural hub for the Middle East. And growing alongside these recent developments in Abu Dhabi’s animation industry is cartoon character Hamdoon – a smart six-year-old Emirati boy whose adventures are rooted in a quest to discover all about his family heritage. Created by local illustrator Al Sharhan, Hamdoon has already made appearances at the Formula One races on Yas Island, the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (ADIBF) and several malls across the country, despite the fact that his show is not due to air until later in the year. It is hoped Hamdoon will become a cultural mascot for the UAE.

What a carry on!

Shopping, camel rides and cocktails – the follow-up to last year’s first Sex and the City (SATC) film sees Carrie and Co holidaying in none other than our fabulous capital. Well, that’s what the producers would have us believe anyway. Despite ‘Abu Dhabi’ scenes actually being shot in Morocco, analysts are predicting the film will have a positive impact on the city’s tourism, attracting Manolo-wearing SATC fans from far and wide. Sex and the City 2 is released this month, although it is still unknown whether the film will be screened here in the UAE.

Medical marvel

A blood test that promises to save lives by detecting breast cancer in its early stages could be available in the UAE within six months. The newly developed test, created by Norwegian pharmaceuticals company DiaGenic, is initially being used with traditional scans in Britain and can spot signs of the disease three or four times earlier than a mammogram. According to Government figures, breast cancer is the biggest killer of women in the UAE. Cultural sensibilities coupled with a lack of awareness are blamed, preventing women from having regular screenings.