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A guide to hiring a nanny for your family in the UAE
A guide to hiring a nanny for your family in the UAE

A guide to hiring a nanny for your family in the UAE

Top tips and interview advice

Raising a child really does take a village and, when you move away from your family to embark on a life abroad, you are essentially giving up your immediate support network of family and long-term friends.

So it’s understandable that one of the most common questions among UAE families is: “How do I find a good nanny?” After all, childcare, particularly in households where both parents work full-time, can be tricky to manage. You can’t just call up granny if you fancy a spontaneous date night with your other half.

That would explain why around 95 percent of families in the UAE employ a nanny. Not only do they support you in taking care of your family and helping you to run your home, but they soon becomes a very important part of it, which is why choosing the right fit is crucial.

According to a 2017 survey carried out by rise (a social platform that helps low-income migrant workers manage their finances) there are 750,000 nannies living and working here on an average monthly salary of Dhs1,830. With such huge demand to find and hire a great caregiver, the whole process can seem daunting and overwhelming.

As with most things in the UAE, word of mouth is a great way to find your Mary Poppins.

Ask around your friends and colleagues, post on Facebook and keep your eyes and ears open. The transient nature of the UAE means families are always leaving, many of whom will be keen to help their nanny find new employment before they do so.

You may need to interview several nannies to find the someone who will work happily within your home – a lot will come down to personality, as well as experience, plus similar expectations in terms of work and salary. The rule of thumb seems to be that live-out help is paid more – approximately Dhs500 per month – to cover costs of accommodation. Salary will depend on experience and duties, with those who can drive commanding more. Different nationalities have different minimum salaries so check with their embassy.

There is the alternative option of hiring through an agency by looking through CVs or videos before conducting phone interviews (the agency will charge upwards of Dhs6,000 for their services), or from a family that is already in the UAE.

Either way, they will be on your sponsorship and you will sign a two-year contract, pay a deposit of Dhs3,000, and around Dhs5,000 each year for employment visa, plus charges for registration, medical checks and Emirates ID. You also need to provide health insurance, and for peace of mind send your helper on a first-aid course.

In 2017 a new law was passed to ensure that domestic helpers are provided with 30 days of paid annual leave, a return ticket to their home country every two years, a day off each week, and 12 hours of rest per day, to include eight hours of consecutive rest.

They also have the right to retain their own personal documents such as passports.

The Interview

Start things off by telling the nanny about your family and children as well as outlining the position and your expectations. Ask the nanny to tell you about herself and what she is looking for in a job, while you go through her CV in detail and ask her to describe each childcare position. At the end of the interview, don’t forget to ask the nanny if she has any specific questions.

It’s also important to outline your expectations from the start. Make sure you tell her when you’d like her to start, what hours you’d like her to do and what her duties and responsibilities, relating to both the children and around the house will be.

If you have kids that have regular activities such as swimming lessons, dance classes of play groups and would like them to take them along, lay all of this out including how you’d want them to take them there and return home afterwards.

From a nanny’s point of view, the salary will be the biggest point of discussion. Ask hat they were on before and what they are expecting. Holidays are also an important subject to discuss. If you have pets you may not want them to take holiday at the same time you take yours.

Don’t forget to talk about house rules such as mobile phone use. If they are living in with you, show them their accommodation and what furniture there is, as well as whether you’re offering a television, fridge, kettle or any other extras. Also talk about when they can use the kitchen and the other communal areas of the house, and what meals will be provided, if any.

Talk through your babysitting requirements and whether you will pay any extra for childcare in the evening or at the weekend. Discuss whether she will be required to prepare all the children’s meals and whether there are specific dietary requirements and bring up any medical issues relating to the children of which the nanny should be aware.

Another way to see whether she will fit with your family is to have your kids or baby around. You can tell so much by the way she interacts with them. Does she cuddle them and seem empathetic? Or want to play with them and suggest games and activities?

Nanny agencies to speak to

Babies and Beyond,
Savoir Vivre,
Maid CV,
Nannies Dubai,
Service Market,
Urban Housekeeping,

First aid training agencies for your nanny
The one-day Paediatric Emergency First Aid course has been designed to teach basic first aid to anyone who cares for infants and children.
Dhs472.50 per person. Group rates available. (04 343 3799).

Health & Safety Solutions
There’s a Paediatric first aid course and CPR course developed for childcare providers teaching them how to respond to medical emergencies involving children and infants. (04 252 2060).

CloudNine Kids
Qualified trainers run home-care courses, which cover everything from paediatric first aid to home safety and interaction with newborns. You can choose to have the instructors come to you, or you can go to one of their classrooms.
Dhs2,000 (class-based), Dhs3,000 (home-based). (055 321 5437).