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UAE roads improving

Traffic violations fall by nearly 480 cases last year…

The total number of driving violations registered with Dubai’s Traffic Public Prosecution (TPP) fell last year by nearly 480 cases compared to figures for 2008.

Some 6,430 cases were registered with the TPP in 2009, according to data by the motoring authority, compared to 6,906 the previous year.

Despite the decline officials issued another warning to reckless motorists saying they could be unable to drive for four years if they continue driving dangerously on Dubai’s roads, Gulf News reported.

Motorists could have their licences cancelled for two years and be banned from applying for another for two years after that, Salah Bu Farousha, TPP chief, told the paper.

Traffic prosecutors have also started seizing driving licences electronically under an initiative between the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and Dubai Police.

“Our team of traffic prosecutors will ask the traffic court to confiscate the driving licences of inattentive and reckless drivers for three months to two years, besides punishing them with a fine and/or imprisonment,” he told the paper.

“We also ask the court to prevent convicts from obtaining a new licence for another two years… which forces a reckless driver to spend a period of four years without a driving licence.

Last year 155 Pakistanis, 151 Indians and 67 Emiratis were caught driving without a licence, the paper reported.

While figures reveal the number of drink driving cases has fallen from 1,204 in 2008 to 1,188 in 2009. Unlike Europe and the United States where there are allowed limits for consuming alcohol and driving, in the UAE it is illegal to have any alcohol.