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Metal mission

Jordanian metal band Bilocate are growing in popularity in the UAE, but as vocalist and frontman Ramzi Essayed explains to James Wilkinson, things are looking less rosy at home.

‘We are not allowed to play live in our own country, can you imagine that?’ The voice of Ramzi Essayed, vocalist for Jordanian doom- and death-metal band Bilocate, rises with anger: ‘Last year we were all set to play a venue with other bands. After everything was finalised and tickets were being sold, the organiser got a call from someone in the government who said that if we were on the bill, it wouldn’t be allowed to go ahead. The organiser said that we were the reason he was selling so many tickets, but the government said it wouldn’t happen at all if we were there.’

For Bilocate, this is only one of many such stories. The band formed in Jordan in 2002, when Ramzi, his brother Waseem and best friend, Hani, came together thanks to their shared love of metal. Time passed and they picked up three more members, released their first album (2005’s Dysphoria) and even filmed music videos. But as their profile rose, so did their notoriety. Now, despite having built up a big enough fan base to warrant the release of their second album, Sudden Death Syndrome, the band have not played in their home country for two years.

Not that they are alone, as Ramzi explains: ‘The government is against all metal concerts, because there is some head-banging and people are dressed all in black, and this is not accepted in our culture. They think, “This is odd, we cannot allow our children and our brothers to follow this, so we must kill it.” They are also always connecting metal music to Satanism, although they’re not really related at all.

‘We write about war, tragedy and death. This is the death and doom metal style. Rock musicians sing about love and their girlfriends, and we sing about this. We talk about either sadness about what’s going on or anger at why it’s happening. But we don’t talk about Satan, drugs, sex or alcohol.’

It’s ironic that the band should have such problems being heard in their home country, since they have gone to some effort to work their Jordanian culture into their tunes. While Ramzi describes the music as ‘dark and epic metal’, with the guitars, keyboards and heavy drums that metal fans would expect, it also implements traditional Jordanian sounds: ‘We don’t let it overpower the music, but we use Arabic instruments, so you hear things like the oud and the tabla. It makes for an epic sound rather than normal, joyful Arabic music, so we are unique in that way.’

The result is music that has made them stand out from the other metal bands on the market, especially Dubai-based Nervecell, who have pointedly developed a Western sound. Bilocate even got kudos from their sound engineer, the Swedish metal expert Jens Bogren, whose previous work includes albums by Opeth and Bloodbath. They’re not being cynical, though, as Ramzi explains: ‘We never thought, “Oh – let’s use Arabic instruments,” but we are proud of where we came from.’

Ramzi now lives in the UAE, where he works as the marketing manager for an IT company, leaving him with precious little time to play with the band live – usually one month a year of holiday time. ‘Even when I’m on holiday I’m working,’ he laughs. ‘But if we want to succeed, we will have to focus on Bilocate and support the album whenever we can.’ And in the near future, that support may take the form of gigs in Turkey, Egypt and – of course – the UAE. Anywhere, it seems, except Jordan.

Metal detector

Heavy metal: The grand-daddy of the subgenres. Spilling out of the rock scenes of the late 60s, traditional metal is about turning the amps up to 11, distorting the guitars, hammering the drums and using complex instrumentation. Examples: early Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath.

Thrash metal: Faster! Faster! Faster! That’s the motto of thrash, which means roaring vocals, chugging rhythm guitars, complex riffs, high-register solos and bleeding fingers. Examples: Metallica and Motörhead.

Doom metal: Need a breather? Here’s doom metal: very, very slow tempos, low-tuned guitars and grim lyrics. It’s all about building an oppressive atmosphere of dread. Examples: Trouble and Candlemass.

Sudden Death Syndrome is available in stores now.