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Human trafficking in Dubai

The issue has become one of the UAE’s top priorities…

Dr Anwar Gergash, Chairman of the UAE National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking (NCCHT, said on Saturday that the issue is among the top priorities of the UAE, which is also committed to working closely with international and regional law enforcement bodies to eliminate this ”dangerous phenomenon”.

Gergash, who is also UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Federal National Council Affairs, made his remarks as he chaired the 16th meeting of NCCHT in Dubai to discuss the latest anti-human trafficking efforts, WAM reported.

NCCHT also discussed the expansion of its membership to include representatives from Abu Dhabi Shelter, which was set up to serve victims of human trafficking and exploitation, and the Dubai Charity Association (DCA).

The meeting also put off the launch of a media campaign, scheduled for Sept 27-29, until Jan 2010. No reason was given for the postponement.

In addition it heard from Dubai Police about the specially set-up department tasked with researching and combating human trafficking crimes.