Posted inWellbeing

Summer skin tips

We find out how to look after your skin this summer, from the experts

The why…

Potted, pigmented and sunburned skin is the peril of summer – especially in the UAE. Due to the excessive heat, the delicate balance of oil and water gets disturbed. Excessive sweating clogs the skin’s pores and the strong UV rays of summer sun do other damages, as well as leading to wrinkles, premature ageing and sagging of the skin.

The how…

Cleanse: The first step to your daily skincare routine is to rinse the skin with cold water regularly (at least 20 times a day, apparently) as sweat comprises toxins that remain on the surface. Avoid using very hot or cold water on your skin, which can cause fine veins to appear on your face.

Tip: Steaming your face is another good idea to release the dirt. For dry skin, it is recommended to steam for five minutes and for oily skin 10 minutes maximum.

Exfoliate: A good scrub will remove dead skin cells, smooth the surface and also reduce the risk of developing in-growing hairs from shaving.

Tip: Avoid facial scrubs with coarse granules as they can cause tiny tears in the skin, which lead to uneven pigmentation after you’ve been in the sun for long.

Tone: Sun and pollution can have an impact on skin’s elasticity. Toning helps keep your face clear and firm.

Tip: Men’s skin is typically thicker and tougher than women’s skin, so it can tolerate active ingredients like glycolic acid, which helps keep the pores clear throughout the day, and will also reduce the risk of getting in-grown hairs after shaving. Women have plenty of choice, with toners well represented by most beauty brands.

Moisturise: During the summer months, the sweat evaporates from the skin and leaves it looking dry. This makes the skin lose its elasticity and worsen with exposure to saltwater and chlorine.

Tip: Always use a light water-based moisturiser to dampen the skin as it helps in sealing in the water, allowing the skin to hold moisture on your face better.

The experts say…

• Daily use of an SPF15 sunscreen is recommended, but a minimum of SPF30 should be used when outside for long amounts of time. Look for sunscreen that provides UVA as well as UVB protection

• Protect not only your eyes, but also the skin around them by wearing sunglasses that block 90 percent to 100 percent of the sun’s UV rays

• Avoid taking excess of caffeine and alcoholic drinks as they make the skin drier and strip the skin of natural oils

• Exercise flushes impurities out of your skin and promotes production of sebum, or oil, as well as keeping the skin moisturised naturally

Men vs women

Men’s skin is 20 per cent oilier than women’s and has significantly larger pores. This means men need to take more care of their skin during those hot and hazy months, so no excuses gentlemen.