Posted inArt

Feng Mengbo on video game art

Interactive art exhibition on display at Manarat Al Saadiyat

Sara Taher talks to the artist responsible for the interactive video game art installation, Long March: Restart (2008), on display at Manarat Al Saadiyat.

Tell us a bit about your art installation on Saadiyat.
It was based on my series of paintings Game Over: Long March (1994). I believe Long March is a great theme for a video game, because it’s long-term, long distance and dramatic, but I never saw it in a commercial game so I had to make my own. The scale of this installation is also important. By playing or watching, the audience are living in the game.

How long did it take you to write the program?
It took me one year.

The main character uses cola cans to beat his enemies? Why?
When I thought about the weapon system for this game, I hated the idea of using regular gun fire or bombs because it might have been too violent for this theme. Coke was quite a new thing in early ’90s China, especially in a can. It was even an icon of western culture or lifestyle, so I use it as a bomb. It’s very ironic.

Some critics have said this isn’t really art.
Well, this game was made by an artist and for artistic intentions but not for any commercial reasons. I consider it a native artwork, and as an artwork this game represents many complicated messages concerning today’s [modern] world and Chinese history.

What is your favourite video game?
I’d definitely have to say Street Fighter II.

If you had to be an arcade character, which one would you choose?
Chun-Li from the Street Fighter series. I just love the powers that her character has.

So what’s the hardest part about being a contemporary artist?
The same thing as the greatest part; having unconditional freedom! Because there is anything you can do and in any medium and the style is so broad, it can sometimes make creating difficult. It may seem like anyone can make anything under the name of Art but contemporary art actually seems harder to me than classic styles.

What is your favourite English word?
Art; so simple but with so many layers.

What did your parents say when you told them you wanted to be an artist?
They were happy for me, but at the same time they seemed very worried! It’s not an easy field to achieve in.
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