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10 to try: iPad facts

The stuff you need to know about Apple’s newest creation…

1 It is called the iPad. After weeks of speculation about the iSlate, the iTablet, the iCanvas the name was staring us all in the face all along.

2 But what exactly is an iPad? Put simply it is a portable computer. Really, that is all. The hype has been tremendous but all you really need to know is that it is a portable computer. There is no keyboard or fold out screen like you would find on a notebook computer. But don’t be fooled – it is far cooler than that. Here’s why…

3 The whole kit weighs just 1.5lbs

4 iPad has 16 to 64GB of flash memory

5 iPad has a 9.7-inch capacitive touchscreen IPS LCD display

6 iPad has a custom 1GHz Apple chip developed by P.A. Semi

7 iPad has a 10-hour battery life and a month of standby

8 iPad has a 30-pin Dock connector, a speaker and a microphone

9 iPad has Bluetooth and 802.11n WiFi connectivity

10 iPad can run existing iPhone apps. More than 2,000,000,000 iPhone apps have already been downloaded from the Apple iTunes store