Posted inKids FitnessSports

It’s the final countdown

The Time Out fitness challenge has officially come to an end. But are we fitter or fatter?

The Time Out fitness challenge has officially come to an end. But are we fitter or fatter?

Back in January, the Time Out team launched a three-month fitness challenge (issue 1, January 8-14).

The idea was simple: editor Alex would get fit trying competitive sports, section editor Caitlyn would join a gym, deputy editor Sarah would try watersports, and section editor Caroline would kickstart a running plan. The results are in.

Alex, editor

What were your intentions going into the TOAD fitness challenge?
To get into good enough cardio shape to play full contact rugby for 80 minutes, like I used to.

How did your progress compare with your goals?
I didn’t actually get on to the pitch in a game before the season finished, but I’ve played a lot of touch (non-contact) rugby in the past three months at Zayed Sports City, and am confident that as long as I keep up the exercise over the summer I’ll be ready to play a full season come September.

What did you learn from the TOAD fitness challenge?
I learnt that no matter how busy your schedule is, you can always find time to exercise regularly. No excuses.

Do you have any regrets over the last few months?
I joined a gym and could have gone more regularly. My other goal in the last three months was to run a triathlon but I didn’t do enough swimming to be able to take part.

Caitlyn, section editor

What were your goals going into the TOAD fitness challenge?
Well, mainly to beat Alex. And to shape up my fat booty. My goal was to try as many new gym classes as I could, including circuit training.

How do you feel you did?
[Laughs] I ran out of steam pretty quickly, so I wouldn’t say I reached my goals. I learned that I am pretty tough though. I can take on a challenging class or programme. I can also get up early to exercise – something I never thought possible!

Did anything unexpected happen?
Well, my category was the gym, and Caroline had running, but I went a few times with her and suddenly fell in love with running on the Corniche.

Did you try any other new activities?
Hell Week – one of my favourite parts of the challenge. It’s a bootcamp at Monte-Carlo Beach Club on Saadiyat Island, which I had a great time doing. I also did the annual 8.5km Terry Fox Run, which I wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t started running a few weeks before. That was a great experience because it combined fitness with charity. How much better could you feel?

Sarah, deputy editor

How did the TOAD fitness challenge go for you?
I went into it expecting to lose one to two kilograms. As it turns out, I failed miserably and actually put on one or two kilograms.

What did you learn from the TOAD fitness challenge?
No amount of watersports burns off excessive brunches!

The activity you committed to was watersports. How did you do?
I managed to stick to my plan quite well. I tried several, many of which I hadn’t experienced before. Some of the most exciting ones were flowboarding at Yas Waterworld, which is essentially surfing on artificial waves, the JetLev Flyer, a water-propelled jetpack at Gulf Water Sports, and a new kayaking trip with Noukhada in Al Rahba.

What did you enjoy most?
I particularly enjoyed flowboarding because it was different from anything I’d ever tried before, and the kayaking trip was beautiful. I needed a little bit more time on the JetLev Flyer to get the hang of it, though.

Do you plan to keep the momentum going?
Yes, I hope so. Now that the weather is warmer and it doesn’t matter as much if you fall in, I’ll definitely be doing more paddleboarding.

Caroline, section editor

Tell me about your TOAD fitness challenge experience.
I must admit, I wasn’t as successful as I thought I would be. But isn’t that always the case?

What were your intentions going into the challenge?
Originally, I chose running as my activity. It is something I have never enjoyed but always wanted to be better at – plus it’s something you can do alone, and I tend to enjoy working out alone more than with others.

How did it go?
While I didn’t end up running as often as I had intended to, I definitely developed a fondness for it. I ended up joining a hash group and running with others – something I never thought I would do. It pushed me in other ways, too: I did my first 10km race. It felt great to challenge myself like that both physically and socially.

Did you try anything else?
I tried circuit training at Get Moving Fitness and Spa Centre with Caitlyn. It was intense but also a great workout. I also tried playing football for the first time with some friends in their weekly game. It turned out to be fantastic.

So, did the New Year plan work for the team as a whole?
Well, we all started with the best intentions, but as happens to so many others, balancing work, friends and families meant that dreams of a healthier body and mind soon vanished. Nonetheless, the team tried new exercises, and challenged ourselves with things we thought we would never try.