Posted inArt

Art of survival

Contemporary Saudi art in comes to Abu Dhabi’s bookshelves

Art and artistic taste is completely subjective, and we certainly have nothing against a pretty painting. We do, however, have a great deal against the thinly-disguised lack of imagination which poses as art at some exhibitions around town, and we very strongly feel that there is more meaning in this region of the world which demands to be communicated.

Enter Abdulnasser Gharem, not literally, but in spirit. On November 19 the Abu Dhabi Art festival hosted the launch of Abdulnasser’s book, Art of Survival. The artist, who is also an officer in the Saudi Arabian army, was unable to attend personally owing to work constraints. This on its own highlights the extraordinary character of the man behind the installation which made history earlier in the year at the Christies Dubai auction, and then went on to fund the Edge of Arabia educational initiative.

The installation we refer to is, like all his work, a delicious, epistemological affront. When we first encountered Message/Messenger, our immediate reaction was to flinch. The sensitising reflex was swiftly followed by excitement. There is, in fact, nothing blasphemous about the piece because Abdulnasser is not an artist who stoops to sensationalism. Neither does he seek attention by pandering to ugly stereotypes or employing religious and cultural irreverence. What we find instead is an open-ended wake-up call, which is reiterated time and again throughout his biography.

Engagingly authored by Henry Hemming, Art of Survival is a thought-provoking account of the artist’s life and journey. It is also a poignant and seldom-seen view of his home country, Saudi Arabia. The narrative follows the chronology of Abdulnasser’s major works, bringing to light the stories which inspired them and the wars which provoked them. ‘The most important thing is the story of the artwork,’ Abdulnasser says, and affirms our sentiment about this not being just another biography to jump on the bandwagon of shameless self-promotion. The humanity of the stories depicted here, which have brought forth his artwork, touch us just as deeply as the works themselves. They remind us of how vital it is to remember, even if nothing can be done to change what’s already past.

‘The title of the book is Art of Survival,’ Abdulnasser stresses. ‘If my art will not help the people, what’s the use of it? It’s nothing. It’s pointless. This is the purpose of my art.’ And by help, Abdulnasser means engage, prod, challenge gently. His work, though often political, remains respectful and deliberately avoids pointing the accusatory finger at any person, party or regime. ‘I’m trying to find a cosmic language,’ he continues. ‘The subjects I pick are objective things which affect all of us.’ He then alludes to his installation, Sirat. The Arabic word ‘sirat’ means path and also refers to the bridge featured in the Quranic judgement day, which man will have to cross (over a raging hell-pit) to reach heaven. The significance is that the same bridge will be dangerously narrow for the wicked, and broad for the good. It’s an inexhaustible trope which in this instance suggests that, by definition of our complex nature, every human experience is open to a plethora of interpretations. The installation provoked unwarranted controversy around Abdulnasser’s Brunei Gallery exhibition in London. The cause? An assumption that Quranic text had been spray painted onto a road, which was not the case at all.

Such ignorant paranoia drives home the piece’s message ever more strongly. Sirat and its controversy highlights the message that in making life choices, one needs to be wary of symbols and our tendency to place blind faith in them (or our conception of them).

‘It’s not only for my people,’ Abdulnasser reiterates. ‘Everybody in the world is looking for their path. I’m not talking to a specific people. I’m talking to the whole planet. That’s my job. Each artwork has a speech and my speeches should have that global language.’
‘Abdulnasser Gharem – Art of Survival’ is available at Magrudy’s, Virgin stores, Kinokuniya and Jashanmal bookstores across the UAE, or you can order it from For more information on Abdulnasser Gharem, check out