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Halloween in Abu Dhabi

Your guide to celebrating the ultimate fright night in Abu Dhabi

Today, Halloween is a night for dressing up in daft costumes and causing mischief. Of course, this wasn’t always the case: the festival is thought to have origins in the ancient Roman celebration of Pomona – the goddess of fruit – aspects of which were adopted by the Celts in their harvest festival of Samhain. Halloween became popularised in North America during the 19th century by Irish immigrants, and has since become one of the US’s biggest festivals, involving parties, trick or treating and carving pumpkins for Jack O’ Lanterns.

However, not all countries have as much fun on Halloween: the Germans hide kitchen knives on October 31 so they can’t be picked up by evil spirits, while the Belgians deem it bad luck to travel by train or boat. The French simply don’t like the festival since it’s deemed ‘too American.’ Zut!

Luckily, the Halloween celebrations here in Abu Dhabi are decidedly more upbeat, with something for everyone – from killer costumes to spooky stories. Time Out gives you a comprehensive lowdown on the frightfully fun activities on offer.

Trick or treat?

Is this pastime considered harmless or haram?

Trick or treat is a Halloween tradition that derived from Irish farmers begging for food during the Potato Famine of 1845, and it’s now an excuse for small children to dress up in bizarre attire and go from door-to-door asking for treats. The attitude in Abu Dhabi towards ‘trick or treating’ is fairly relaxed, though be mindful that some traditional Muslims believe the practice, which derives from pagan culture, to be haram.

Interestingly, trick and treating bears resemblance to the Islamic tradition of Shabaab, where small children celebrate the eighth month in the Islamic lunar calendar by roaming their neighbourhoods, singing songs about Mecca, and receiving sweets, fruits and nuts from kindly neighbours. If your little ones want to go trick and treating, it’s advisable that parents pre-arrange visits with other families happy to partake in the pastime, rather than knocking on stranger’s doors and risk causing offence.

What to wear

If the thought of coming up with an original Halloween costume scares you more than the holiday itself, check out these fail safe options we think will do the trick a treat.

Work this orange dress with a homemade felt pumpkin stalk hat and green pumps.
Orange dress, Dhs120, Splash.

Lady Gaga
Add a platinum blonde wig, killer heels and one serious attitude. By all means, build your own personal egg capsule, or just carry a hard-boiled one for a laugh.
Dhs310, Party Centre.

Darth Vader
This costume gives you permission to breathe loudly and say ‘Luke, I am your father’, all night long.
Dhs310, Party Centre.

Creepy tales from the UAE and beyond

The Philippines: The White Lady of Balete Drive
In New Manila, Quezon city there is a long stretch of road called Balete Drive where many taxi drivers have reported seeing a ‘white lady’ at night hovering near an unlit lamppost. The second they spy her she disappears, only to then reappear in their rear-vision mirror, her face bloody. Some say the White Lady died on the road after being assaulted, others say the story was spread to discourage people taking the road at night due to the high number of carjackings on the stretch. Which is true, we’ll never know – but would you ever brave Balete Drive?

The UAE: Jinn
Accroding to the Quran beings called Jinn exist in our realm. They aren’t made of ‘clay’ as humans are but of ‘smokeless fire’ – and so paranormal citings in the UAE are not connected to people who have passed away but to these entirely separate beings. In fact, the Quran says: ‘Maybe there is a Jinn sitting in the corner of your room right now, or even one behind you.’ Citings of Jinn are supposedly common in Nad Al Sheba, the ‘haunted’ Jazira al Hamrat village of Ras Al Kaimah and Jumeirah.

India: Beware the town of Bhangarh
In the state of Rajasthan sits a town known for its beautiful ruins, but one that no guide will dare take you to at night. In fact, even the Archaeology Survey of India has put up a sign saying that staying there after sunset is strictly forbidden. Why? The story goes that in the 1600s a tantrik (evil magician) fell in love with the town’s princess and so cursed a bottle of her perfume to put her under his spell. Someone told her about the trick before she applied the scent and she smashed the bottle on the ground, cursing the tantrik. In a rage he cursed the whole town and said that any resident of it would die (which the princess soon did). Apparently even the military refuses to patrol the abandoned town at night.

Top Halloween treats

Candelite gift hamper
Starting at Dhs200, the hampers can be filled however which way you want. Parents will be pleased to know that Candelite offer ‘No Guilt’ products, which are low in trans fats and sugar, meaning that kids aren’t climbing the walls with e-number.
Candelite, Mushrif Mall (02 650 0862).

Marks and Spencer Halloween treats
Marks and Spencer always do a good line in novelty sweets and aren’t letting us down with their Halloween selection – chocolate pumpkins and scary jelly sweets are among the selection this year – perfect for handing out to little monsters that arrive at the door!
Marks and Spencer, Fotoh Al Khair Mall (02 6213646).

It’s Sugar lollies
These sugar-loaded swizzle sticks, starting at Dhs15, are a perfect present for trick and treaters.
Mall of the Emirates, It’s Sugar Dubai,