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Khloe Kardashian in Dubai – interview

The famous family’s younger sister spills the beans ahead of UAE visit

Jenny Hewett chats to one of the Kardashian sisters before she jets into town about bad outfits and made-up words.

When it comes to reality TV, Khloe Kardashian is as good as it gets. Her feisty nature and upfront attitude break the superficial mould of most celebrities. Without the constant cracks at mum Kris’ expense, her meddlesome nature and cheeky sense of humour, the unfailingly popular Keeping Up With The Kardashians would fall flat. This week, the youngest Kardashian sister heads to Dubai on Thursday November 17 to unveil the latest 50-piece Kardashian Kollection at Lipsy and Iconic stores. We caught Khloe on the phone from her pad in LA to find out what to expect.

We’re very exciting to hear that you’re coming to Dubai, has Kim given you any tips?
I’m very excited, I’ve never been before. I’m only there for 48 hours and they’ve told me a million places to go. One of my girlfriends is coming with me, she does my hair, and she’s been numerous times. She’s begging for us to stay a little bit longer, as the shopping is incredible, but it’s not a vacation this time. I’d love to go back when I have free time to really experience Dubai. I’m excited to go, even if it’s just for five minutes.

Why did you choose Lipsy for your next fashion tie-up? How do you think it resonates with the Kardashian image?
When I think of Lipsy I think of party dresses and it has a huge celebrity pop-party style. I love British fashion, and for us Americans, they’re always ahead of the trends and we always look to them for really fun fashion ideas. It’s a really big step for us. Hopefully we can push the boundaries a little more with Lipsy.

How much input do each of you have in the collection? It seems Kourtney likes to take more control when it comes to Dash?
Kourtney and I do all the buying for Dash together and she’s a little more controlling with the interiors of the stores. But with Kardashian Kollection it’s very much all three of us doing everything from the design meetings to picking up the fabrics. There are definitely pieces that you can tell are more of a Kimberley dress or Kourtney dresses. You can tell from pieces which of our personalities stick out more I think.

How have you developed a business relationship with your sisters?
I feel like I eat, breathe and sleep with my sisters. When we were younger and first opening Dash it was definitely more difficult. We don’t bicker as much, there’s sometimes tension during our design meetings as one of us is on a different page, but we always have the voting system, two against one.

Who’s the bossiest?
Probably me, I’m pretty bossy. Kim is more quiet and Kourtney, I can just kind of convince her to do what I want [laughs].

Is Kris still a big part of your business dealings, does she ever need to mediate?
My mum is our manager, she doesn’t have to mediate between us three, we’re very vocal and we’re very good at telling each other how we feel in certain situations. We just shot a commercial for the Kardashian Kollection yesterday and it’s so phenomenal; typically when your sisters are having babies and everyone has their own families, normally they start living their own lives. We’re so blessed that we get to work together. Yes, we might want to kill each other sometimes, but I would not want to do this with anybody else but my sisters.

What is your biggest fashion faux pas? Something that you’ve worn in the past and thought ‘oh dear, that was really bad’.
Oh I have a few of those. I went to a movie premiere and I was wearing this white dress and it was definitely two sizes two small and I’m not sure why anyone let me leave the house in it. I had back fat hanging over, it was a strapless dress and it was just not appropriate. When I arrived on the red carpet they made me wear bunny ears, I forget what movie it was for. It was not a good moment! I cringe if anyone ever shows that photo.

What’s your top style tip?
I’m a big believer in Spanx. I wear them under something that’s not even form-fitting, even if it’s a full skirt, because if the wind blows I don’t want everything on display. I like having that extra safety of not being able to see certain things.

What’s the funniest word you and your sisters made up that you use?
[Giggles]. We have so many words. I love the word ‘slor’ that we used to say all the time.

Any others?
My sister Kourtney and [her partner] Scott say this word and it irritates me to death. There’s no reason why it irritates me, but they just say it all the time; and you have to say it in this accent. [It’s rude] and just bothers me, we don’t know what it means or why they started saying it, but now [Kourtney’s son] Mason even says when he’s around me. I’m like: ‘Oh, I can’t get mad at Mason,’ but the word just still really irritates me.
Kardashian Kollection is available at Iconic and Lipsy stores, including Mall of the Emirates (04 341 0499).