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New year? New you

An A-Z of ways to make 2014 your best year yet

Decmeber 31 is the time that many people decide to make resolutions, both small and large, so TOAD has put together our A to Z of suggestions for ways to make 2014 your best year ever.

A is for… Adventure
Be more adventurous in 2014. Try new things, take more risks, and don’t let nagging doubts slow you down from enjoying new experiences. If you want to get the most from 2014 that’s going to mean taking yourself out of comfort zone more often. If the 2013 you would say ‘no’, then the 2014 you should be saying ‘yes’.

B is for…Be positive
Instead of being the person in your group of friends who is always being negative about other people’s plans or ideas, make it your resolution to be encouraging and optimistic. Make 2014 the year you get a reputation for being the person others want to enjoy their experiences with. A rosy outlook on life will increase your happiness rating immeasurably. The glass is always half full.

C is for…Charity
Do more charitable things in 2014. There are lots of charities in Abu Dhabi that are always looking for volunteers to help support the less fortunate. Alternatively, for a real adventure why not volunteer overseas? With companies such Volunteer Africa you can make a huge difference in the lives of people around the world, and at the same time have a unique experience you won’t ever forget.

D is for…De-clutter
Stop hoarding all the stuff you keep finding excuses for not throwing out, and de-clutter your life. 800 JUNK will not only take the stuff that you no longer have any genuine use or need for away, but will also redistribute it to low income workers, so you’ll be doing something for a worthy cause at the same time.

E is for…Education
Why not go back to school and enrol in a course that will help you further your career? Or just study a new subject for the pure enjoyment of doing it? From online courses, to classes and even full degrees at NYU Abu Dhabi, there are loads of ways you can make yourself a bit more knowledgeable in 2014.

F is for…Family and Friends
You know what they say about all work and no play…Whenever a poll is conducted the number one New Year’s resolution every year is that people want to spend more time with their loved ones. Designate time for the people you care about, and don’t let work or anything else get in the way of enjoying those moments.

G is for…Gym
You know it. We know it. It was inevitable that the dreaded G word was going to make it onto the list. But the simple truth is if you want to look better, feel healthier and stop being out of breath every time you climb the world’s smallest flight of steps into work every day, then you need to at least know what colour the walls on the inside of the gym are painted.

H is for…Hobbies
Spend more of your free time doing something you enjoy instead of wallowing on the couch all weekend. Whether it be sport, art, drama or music, TOAD is full of great ideas and clubs looking for new blood in 2014. Group hobbies are a great way to meet like-minded people as well.

I is for…Ideas
Got a great idea for a new business venture? Or have you got a killer idea for that novel you promised yourself you were going to write? Then act on them. If not, get pondering and come up with your big idea in 2014. There are plenty of tips you can find online to help you come up with your piece of brilliant thinking, but here’s one to get you started: think of the worst idea you can come up with and reverse it – now you should have a great idea!

J is for…Journals
If you’re going to have the best year of your life in 2014, you better write down what happens! How else are you going explain to your grand children just why this year was the best year of your life?

K is for…Kodak Moments
Take more photos. Take them of you, take them of your friends, take them of the beautiful Abu Dhabi landscape. Just take them!

L is for…Laugh more
Laughter is infectious, and it’s good for you. Studies have shown that laughing is a powerful antidote to stress and physical pain, improves your blood circulation and boosts your immune system. And if you need more laughter in your life why not get down to Heroes on January 15 and check out The Laughter Factory stand up show, where comedians will have the crowd in stitches all night. Heroes, Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi, (04 355 1862).

M is for…Meet people
Work life, social life private life…it doesn’t matter. Meet as many new people as you can in 2014, you never know when you’ll meet the person who could change your life forever.

N is for…New places
Bored of going to the same nightspots weekend after weekend? Have you seen the same people three weekends in a row? It’s time to change up your night time scenery. And with dozens of great bars and clubs listed in TOAD you don’t have any excuse for not getting out and visiting some new venues. We’ll be out in January getting your opinions of Abu Dhabi nightlife as well, so watch this space for even more top tips on where to have the best nights are going on in the capital.

O is for…One time
Try everything once. If you haven’t tried it before, make 2014 the time you do it.

P is for…Plan
Set yourself goals for the year. Long term, short term, both – it doesn’t matter. Measuring your achievement in relation to your goals will not only let you know how far you’ve come, but will also give you that extra motivation if you ever feel like giving up.

Q is for…Quit smoking
Always a popular New Year’s resolution, there really isn’t a better time to quit smoking. Whether it be cigarettes or shisha, the damage you are doing to your body is irreparable, so make a positive change now. Sheikh Khalifa Medical City offers smoking cessation programmes for those needing help quitting. (02 610 4000).

R is for…Read more
And we don’t just mean buy more copies of TOAD! Seriously, the world is full of books packed with fascinating education, must-know information and captivating stories. And if you don’t want to buy books yourself get down to the Abu Dhabi library and do all the reading you want for free. 33rd street, between Al Khaleej Al Arabi Street and Airport Road (02 657 6034).

S is for…Save money
Want to be happier in 2014? Then don’t spend your entire pay check in the first week of the month. Not only will you be living off beans for the rest of the month while your mates are out having a good time, but you won’t be able to pull the cash together for that holiday you promised yourself in the summer. So take the stress out of your finances and start putting cash away for a rainy day.

T is for…Travel
It’s a big, big world out there, so get out and see it. Make visiting at least one country you’ve never been to a priority in 2014, it will broaden your horizons and open your eyes to some of the issues you once thought too big or too small to address in your own life. And with the location of the UAE being so convenient for getting to some of the further flung corners of the world you really don’t have any excuse for staying at home this year. Visit to check out flights leaving the Abu Dhabi.

U is for…Unplug
It’s almost unheard of these days to spend any time whatsoever without being glued to electronics: work computer, laptop, smart phone, tablet, television…the list goes on and on. Make a change and opt to spend a weekend a month with all your devices switched off. It’s amazing what you can do when you aren’t a slave to your gadgets.

V is for…Vitamin C
Easy to find, both naturally and in tablets, vitamin C is one of the safest and most beneficial supplements around. High levels of vitamin C protect against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems and skin problems, so if you want to look and feel your best in 2014 getting some more vit C in your life is a must.

W is for…walk more!
Yes it’s hot, but right now it’s not that hot. Do you always have to take a taxi every time you want to travel two minutes down the road? Or get that take out or laundry delivered to your doorstep instead of walking there and picking it up yourself? Even something as seeming innocuous as a 30-minute walk every day is great for fitness and mobility, committing to as little as that each day will have tremendous effects on your wellbeing in a short space of time.

X is for…Xpress yourself
Got something you wished you said to someone special in 2013. Well there’s no time like the present…so say it now.

Y is for…Yoga
Not just for the spiritual types, yoga has an extremely positively effect on the body and mind. As well improving circulation, balance, posture and strength, yoga also helps focus the mind and slows heart rate and blood pressure. Build regular yoga classes into your weekly routine to get the best results from other exercise. Yoga classes are available in various locations across Abu Dhabi. See our Body & Mind listings for more info.

Z is for…ZZZZZZZ
Get more sleep! No matter what your age you’ve probably heard that from your parents every time you recall tales of your latest weekend antics. But you should in fact listen to that particular piece of advice, because getting more sleep is good for you on so many different levels. Not only will you feel less stressed, but sleep helps boost metabolism, which will help you push on towards those physical goals you’ve set yourself. It can be a challenge when you’re burning the candle at both ends, but if you want to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing in 2014, more recharging is the way to go.