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Saw-style horror gets rare run-out in UAE cinemas

This post-Saw horror, about a serial killer on the loose in a small American town, opens with a vomit-inducing scene where a teenage girl must ‘choose’ whether it’s her mother or father who should die – then is forced to commit the deed herself.

Choose then seems to turn into a de-facto deductive thriller , in which Sheriff Tom Wagner (The Usual Suspect’s Kevin Pollack) is outfoxed by his journalism student daughter Fiona (Winnick). One can only guess how much padding was required to stretch this premise to 83 minutes.

Enjoying a limited release in its home country, Choose was rushed straight to DVD in Europe and Australia, and has only been glimpsed on the big screen in Brazil and Turkey. Word on the wires is that the directional credit for ‘Marcus Graves’ is actually a nom de plume for special-effects maestro Robert Legato. Did the frequent Scorsese collaborator and Avatar brainbox sense a turkey and run?