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Ten pin bowling in Abu Dhabi

Time Out catches up with the Abu Dhabi Filipino Bowling Club

There are a lot of things we had an unhealthy appetite for back in the ’80s. Shell suits. Findus Crispy Pancakes. Bowling. That might well sound like the ingredients for our dream childhood birthday party, however the final point on the list is definitely not to be sniffed at. In the UAE, bowling has managed to dodge the dated reputation that elsewhere leaves people harking back to their days as a member of the local village youth group. In fact, it’s really rather popular, and with world-class bowling facilities right here on our doorstep, this indoor sport is a great way to beat the heat during the summer.

One group that certainly understands bowling’s appeal is the Abu Dhabi Filipino Bowling Club (ADFBC), elevating this classic American pastime from the realms of mucking about with your mates to the level of a much more serious, competitive sport. We caught up with Archie Agustin, vice president and tournament director of the ADFBC, to see what all the fuss is about.

We hear you’re starting a new tournament, how’s it going?
It’s going really well. We have what we call the ‘All Filipino Tournament’ on Saturdays, with 10 teams already signed up, and we have another league open to all nationalities on Tuesdays. When it comes to tournaments, although we’re having fun, people really up their game when there’s a prize! It’s good motivation for them to play their best.

So the club’s not just open to Filipinos then?
No, we’re open to members of all nationalities. With the Tuesday tournament, we’re really trying to promote bowling as a sport and open it up to everybody. We have people from all over playing with us; Filipinos, Europeans, Emiratis. If we see new bowlers at the [Khalifa International Bowling] Centre, we go up to them and help them learn the basics. We don’t want anyone to get injured while they’re playing; if you don’t throw the ball properly, you could hurt yourself.

How did the club originally come to be formed?
Back in the Philippines, basketball is probably more popular than bowling, however here in Abu Dhabi bowling is ideal because it’s inside. There were a lot of people with a great enthusiasm for the sport when we first started, and so having a club was just a great way for them to touch base with each other. The club helps to impart our love for bowling on to other people. We’ve grown from just 12 members to around 300 today, and we take part in loads of tournaments across the Gulf.

So how competitive do you guys get?
Pretty competitive! We had a lady who bowled with us here before and she really grew with the ADFBC and went on to represent the club in Helsinki and Singapore, as well as at other tournaments in the Emirates. We gave two bowlers to the Filipino national team when they last played at the Asian Games and we’re always on the lookout for players we can send. Although, at the same time, it is a great way to relax and unwind, and it’s really social here.

What’s your top bowling tip?
If you’re interested in learning how to bowl properly, you have to go back to basics because that’s how you go on to develop your own style. If you try to experiment without approaching someone experienced, then you may end up injuring yourself. It’s also much better to play on a team than by yourself, so come and join us!
ADFBC meets weekly at the Sheikh Khalifa International Bowling Centre, Zayed Sports City. Tournaments for Filipinos are on Saturdays at 8pm, and tournaments for people of all nationalities are on Tuesdays at
8pm. Contact Archie Agustin on 050 787 2489 or at, or visit