Posted inFestive

Festive films you must watch

We asked Time Outers for their must-view holiday favourites!

Miracle on 34th Street
I’m ashamed to admit I’m not talking about the original 1947 film, but the ’94 remake starring Richard Attenborough and the precocious little girl from Mrs Doubtfire (where did she get to?). I love this film more for what it reminds me of, than the production itself. My sister and I used to insist on watching it every Christmas after it was released, which was always spent at my grandma’s house in Manchester, England. We’re both in our twenties now, but I’ll still be insisting we watch it together this year.
Holly Sands, Time Out Dubai Body & Mind, Sport & Outdoor and Community Editor

Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas
My fave viewing ever is Emmet Otter’s Jug- Band Christmas by Jim Henson. Not only does it involve Christmas, Muppets, singing otters and a tear-jerker of a story, it also has a sound-track that’s been covered by the late John Denver which is worthy of a listen all on its own. Having never known a Christmas without this back home when I was a kid, I’ve now got my own copy on DVD so am trying to enforce it on my own family to continue the tradition.
Claire Glasby, Editor, Time Out Kids

Bad Santa
In welcome contrast to the tinsel ridden schmaltz that clings to the majority of Christmas movies, Bad Santa bucks the tear-jerking trend. I’m drawn to the idea of a shopping centre-based St. Nick falling off the rails, acquiring vices and cavorting as a criminal. I also relish my annual opportunity to enjoy Billie Bob Thornton’s exquisite performance as a lovable rascal. Despite flying in the face of convention, it maintains the true spirit of Christmas, with Santa seeing the light and doing the right thing – a cult classic and extremely funny to boot!!
Peter Feely, Assistant Editor, Time Out Guides & Supplements

Have your best Christmas in Abu Dhabi

The Muppet’s Christmas Carol
This is on permanent rotation in my house every year—I always wrap my presents while watching Kermit and the gang be Dickensian. We love it so much my mom greets the dog with a line from the film for the duration of the holidays (“Come in and know me better, dog”). It’s not as terrifying as other Christmas Carol adaptations (I still have nightmares after an accidental childhood viewing of the Micky Mouse version), and excellent music. Plus the Muppets patented sarcasm and general awesomeness.
Jessica Davey-Quantick, Editor, Time Out Doha

Home Alone
I always thought I was an avid supporter of Christmas until I met my husband who makes me feel like the biggest Bah-humbug-er possible. From 1st November Home Alone 1 & 2 (not 3) are on constant play within our house as well as every other Christmas classic possible. We are also constantly battling on when it is ‘okay’ for the tree to be put up.
Farrah Taylor (Scrooge), Advertising Director, Time Out Doha