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Cod and crispy polenta recipe

A top recipe from the kitchens of 18 Degrees in Abu Dhabi

Ingredients (serves two)
Cod fish brandade

• 500g salt cod fish
• 500g potatoes
• 150ml cream
• 20g butter
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 50g olive oil
• Thyme, parsley and a bay leaf

Red onion marmalade
• 800g red onion
• 30ml olive oil
• 30ml balsamic vinegar
• 100g brown sugar
• 3 bay leaves
• 50ml red porto grape beverage
• Salt and pepper

Crispy polenta
• 500ml milk
• 500ml water
• 200g polenta
• Salt and pepper

Cod fish brandade

1 Place cod in a bowl and soak in cold water for one day in the fridge, changing the water every six hours.

2 Boil the potatoes and drain.

3 Drain the cod and place in a large pot; cover with water and add bay leaf and thyme. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes until fish flakes easily. Remove from the heat and allow to cool in the broth. While the fish is still warm (but cool enough to handle), flake into a separate bowl, ensuring the bones and skin are removed. Discard the skin, bones and cooking broth.

4 Smash warm potatoes with a ricer or a fork and add to the flaked fish. Add chopped garlic, parsley and fresh ground black pepper. Stir in cream and olive oil – alternating – a little at a time, mixing lightly with a wooden spoon. The final consistency of the mixture should resemble lumpy mashed potatoes – not too runny.

5 Swirl a little olive oil into your baking dish and spoon in the brandade mix. Leave the top slightly rough and coat with breadcrumbs, parmesan and dot with butter. Roast until golden brown – about 20 minutes.

6 Remove from the oven and sprinkle with a little parsley.

Red onion marmalade
1 Heat the oil in a preserving pan, add the onion, a pinch of salt and some pepper. Cook over a low heat for about 30 minutes until the onion softens and turns translucent. Be sure to stir the mixture occasionally to prevent burning. This crucial point creates the delicious caramel taste.

2 Raise the heat a little, add the red and balsamic vinegar and stir to combine. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat before stirring in the brown sugar. Keep the heat on low and cook until the liquid evaporates.

3 Remove the pan from the heat, taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary.

Crispy Polenta
1 In a large sauce pan, bring the water and milk to a boil.

2 Add two teaspoons of salt to the pan and whisk in the polenta. Whisk constantly for three to four minutes to prevent lumps, then simmer for 45 minutes, partially covered, stirring every 10 minutes until the polenta is thick, smooth and creamy.

3 Check for seasoning, then pour into a flat oven tray and set aside to cool.

4 To make the polenta crispy, heat in the oven at 100°C until done.
Open noon-3pm, 7pm-11.30pm. Hyatt Capital Gate Abu Dhabi (02 596 1401).