Posted inWellbeing

Man facial in Abu Dhabi

We head to The Heavenly Spa at The Westin to try this trend

If you look in most men’s bathroom cabinets chances are you’ll find an old razor, some rusty nail clippers and a tube of toothpaste that’s been squeezed so much it’s actually split at the seams. Sure, most blokes probably groom themselves more than they did 20 years ago, but still, a facial? Isn’t that taking things a bit far? Not according to our therapist for the day, Heena. ‘Lots of men in the region come in for facials. The sun is so fierce in this part of the world that it can be really damaging for the skin and can accelerate ageing.’

With those words ringing in our ears we dived into the experience head (or rather, face) first.

Before the treatment starts we’re confronted with a form to fill out (while sipping a little peppermint tea, of course) which basically asks how you live your life. Heena needs this information in order to determine what treatment to give us, you see. Once the form is filled out we’re lead to a changing room and left alone to don a comfy robe, some disposable underwear (which hide very little of our modesty by the way) and a pair of toasty slippers. Primed and ready, we make our way into the treatment room. At this point it’s fair to say we’re a tad nervous and feeling a little giddy with silliness. A ‘man facial’? Honestly.

Once inside the treatment room we’re asked to make a wish, blow it into a little wooden lantern, which the softly-spoken Heena then takes outside and releases, but as she leaves she also requests that we remove our robe and get under a sheet on the table in the middle of the room until she returns. We feel exposed, uncomfortable and weird.

When she gets back Heena wraps a towel around our head, pings a little bell, then gets to work. Having reviewed our form she’s decided on the best course (that’s right we need more than one) of action. It would appear that all those hours at our desk, constantly trying to meet deadlines, rushing all over the city before then coming back and pouring over our computer again have really taken their toll. Apparently we need some special eye treatment for puffiness and dark circles (charming), then something to help with the first signs of ageing and then something else to freshen and nourish our skin. She’s also going to deal with our blackheads – clearly, we are a monster and we need help. Serious help.

At this point we have to admit we still weren’t sure about this whole thing – and then Heena went to work. Although she explained everything as she went, about how all the products are organic, where they came from and even down to how big the molecules in each cream are – it all went by in a peaceful haze. At various points there was some steam, deep exfoliation, face masks, sprays and even a foot massage. We were cooled, we were soothed, we were calm, my goodness we were actually relaxed. So much so, Heena actually tells us it’s okay to fall asleep if we want. What a wonderful woman. All too quickly the experience was over (even though it did actually last an hour). We were treated to some Jing tea and sent on our merry way.

In conclusion, it’s fair to say we are totally converted to the idea of the man facial. Although perhaps an unusual practice for men, we can’t recommend it highly enough and our distinct lack of blackheads and relatively normal skin bear testament to the wonders of natural, organic treatment. We’d happily go back for more, and probably will.
The First Signs of Ageing facial is Dhs450 for one hour and the eye treatment is Dhs240. Heavenly Spa, open daily 9am-9pm. The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa (02 616 9999).