Posted inWellbeing

Get back in shape in Abu Dhabi

We bring in the experts to help us shift those holiday pounds

Feeling a little heavier than usual? That’ll be because after feasting on more turkey, pudding and other treats than you probably care to remember, you’ve gained a few extra pounds. Well, now’s the time to get it shifted.

However, sticking to our resolutions is easier said than done, which is why Time Out has enlisted the help of some specialists to profile different ways to lose weight, change your shape and, with a bit of hard work, make you fitter, faster and stronger than ever before. All you have to to do is read about it. For now …

The Seven-day training programme

By Michael Haddin of Haddins Gym
‘Creating sustainable exercise can, at times, be difficult with the amount of conflicting information now available in the media. For exercise to become the sustainable part and way of everyday life that it should be, it needs to tick a number of key boxes. This programme aims to do just that and make exercise a fun part of your life again!’
Haddins Gym (02 403 4233).

An important note to remember
All sessions should start with a suitable warm- up that increases the blood flow to the working muscles. This will allow you to maximise your workouts and be able to push yourself harder each time to gain greater results.

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Michael’s five simple rules

1 Must be fun: if you enjoy it, you will continue to come back for more!

2 Must be time efficient: don’t spend hours in the gym, ensure you are maximising your time with every single session.

3 Must generate the desired results: if you are not getting the results you desire, seek advice from an expert to find out why.

4 Must be planned: ensure your training sessions take priority of place in your diary.

5 Must be easily accessible: train at venues that are convenient to you and are not out of your way.

Sunday Good Morning Abu Dhabi Circuit

‘Complete the below circuit for the prescribed number of sets based on your level of fitness.’

1 Pull Ups 15
2 Walking Lunge 20
3 Skipping 100
4 Push Ups 15
5 Bodyweight Squats 15
6 Burpees 10
7 Sit Ups 15
8 Supermans 20
9 Running two minutes
Note: Your level of fitness (below) will dictate how many times you complete this.

Know your Fitness Level
Beginner Complete each circuit once.
Moderate Complete each circuit twice.
Advanced Complete each circuit three times.

Monday ready to get stretchy?

‘Stretching is just as important to your exercise routine as lifting weights or running. Not only does it help to prevent injury, it also improves posture, releases tension and soreness and offers increased range of motion through the joints. Today I want you to try completing a yoga class. There are numerous classes around Abu Dhabi to choose from, or alternatively a number of online programs that could also be followed.
Try and find a programme or class that is suitable to you.’ Bodytree Studio (02 443 4448), Fit Studio (02 445 3395), Original Fitness Co (02 409 9404).

Tuesday Intense workout session

‘Complete this challenge as many times as possible in 20 minutes. This session is all about intensity and working as hard as possible.’

Barbell or Dumbbell Clean and Press 10
Burpees Five
Treadmill Running 60 seconds

Wednesday Rest and recovery

‘Today is not about working hard but relaxing, resting and rewarding yourself for the last three days of intense exercise with a truly well deserved break.’

Thursday steady rate cardio time

‘You need to get out for 40 minutes of steady rate cardio. This could be a long walk/jog, a swim, X-Trainer or a combination of activities. The aim is to slightly raise your heart rate and keep it raised for the duration. You should not be out of breath and should be able to talk.’

Friday prepare for some Fun

‘Finding an activity that you always look forward to will help keep you on track. It’s important that you enjoy your exercise. If you love swimming, dancing, playing football or walking your dog, ensure these are part of your exercise schedule. Today is the day for this. Remember, exercise must be fun in order for it to be sustainable!’
Dance classes: Abu Dhabi Dance (050 410 1535), Eden Studio (02 697 4354). Football fans should try Abu Dhabi Strollers (02 575 8040), Zayed Sports City (02 403 4200).

Saturday get triathlon fit

‘With triathlon season approaching, you might want to add a triathlon fix as part of your training schedule.’

Complete the following as fast as possible
Rower 1,000 metres (2,000 metres for advanced).
Cycle Five kilometres (10 kilometres for advanced).
Running One kilometre (Three kilometres for advanced).

Remember, anything you do in the gym needs to be complemented with a healthy lifestyle. So step away from the doughnuts.