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Best pub quizzes in Abu Dhabi

Test your wits and win a prize at an Abu Dhabi pub quiz

Can you name all five categories of the Nobel Prize? How about the oldest person in the Bible? The number of teams who competed in the very first Olympic Games? No? Ah. In that case, you might be better off sitting at home eating biscuits than checking out Heroes’ quiz night – these are some of the weekly contest’s easier questions. Even so, with four university degrees and a healthy competitive edge between us, we at Time Out went along to the latest to try our luck.

There’s no limit on team sizes (turn up with your entire rugby team, though, and you can expect to raise the odd eyebrow), but four or five seems to be the average, with the crowd taken almost exclusively from the ‘middle-aged expat’ demographic and questions tailored accordingly. Though the proceedings don’t kick off until 8pm, the ever ambitious team TOAD turn up at 7.30pm to talk strategy (and, admittedly, take advantage of the final 30 minutes of happy hour). Providing we don’t come last, we decide, we’ll be happy. The losers may get a prize, but with pride at stake, second worst is where we set our lofty sights.

As early as round three, however, Time Out’s team of whippersnappers aren’t faring particularly well – we’ve had limited success thanks to some educated guesses and a healthy spot of blind luck, but not enough to stop jowly quizmaster Mike Greaves from mocking ‘The Amazing Team of Joy’ (don’t ask) for our woeful performance as he tots up the running score.

The wipe-out round is up next. ‘Answer as many questions as you like,’ explains Greavsie, ‘But get just one wrong and you won’t score a single point.’ Even though we’re lagging behind, we decide to play it cautious. No big gambles – if we’re not 100 per cent certain, it’s not getting written down. ‘List up to five bands named after American states or cities,’ demands our quizmaster. After much head scratching, we come up with Texas, Kansas and the New York Dolls. Two of them aren’t on the list, however, writing the whole round off and leaving our hopes of glory about as vague as Greavsie’s chin. Our luck doesn’t pick up as we soldier on through the second half, and we eventually stumble home with a fairly pathetic tally of points.

It’s a quiz with plenty of variety, then, but dedicated regulars mean you’ll need to stick at it for a few weeks before you’ve even the slimmest hope of claiming the ultimate spoils. Look out for The Amazing Team of Joy, too – we’ll be putting in a few hours of homework before our next appearance.

Heroes’ quiz night takes place every Monday, from 8pm. Entry is free, but booking ahead is advised. Crowne Plaza, Hamdan Street (02 621 0000)

The Alternatives

After Heroes, Hemingway’s quiz is the city’s most popular, featuring a loyal crowd of ferociously competitive regular teams. As such, we’d advise booking a table well in advance unless you fancy being on your feet for two and a half hours. The bar’s big screens are taken advantage of for video and music rounds – unless the quizmaster’s beloved Tottenham Hotspur happen to be in action.
Free. Sunday, 8pm. Hilton Abu Dhabi (02 692 4567)

Abu Dhabi Golf Club
A quiz? In a golf club? You’d better believe it. Teams are limited to six players each, so be sure to recruit your friends very carefully. Oh, and if you’re going to cheat, be subtle about it – those caught reaching for their smartphones will be named and shamed. Quite rightly, too.
Free. Tuesday, 7.30pm (02 558 8990)

Thirty 1st
As the only option for uptown trivia fans, this midweek contest draws a decent crowd and a competitive atmosphere. As well as the usual general knowledge stuff, there’s also a picture round, while round-by-round drinks prizes mean that even if you don’t come out on top you’re almost guaranteed to land some sort of freebie.
Free. Tuesday, 8pm. Holiday Inn (02 657 4888)