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James Cameron tours Abu Dhabi

Titanic and Avatar director gives Masdar City thumbs up

You may have heard that James Cameron has been in the city this week. The Oscar-accumulating director was the keynote speaker at the recent Abu Dhabi Media Summit, where he spent his time trying to convince media executives that 3D cinema is the future of cinema. ‘We went from silent films to sound films … we went from black and white to colour. And now we’re making the transition to 3D,’ he told the audience.
The man behind such classic movies such as Terminator, Titanic, Avatar and Aliens also visited Masdar City, the futuristic, green energy-powered development currently being constructed near Abu Dhabi International Airport. Cameron said: ‘Through Masdar, the leadership of the UAE has taken a visionary path towards the future. In the heart of a major oil producing nation, Masdar is a shining ideal of what a long term, sustainable future for energy can be. This is a test bed and this is where the technology is going to come from that will allow us to have a renewable energy future.’

Kind words James, but how about agreeing to film your latest blockbuster here in the UAE?