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How to haggle

The inside guide to driving a bargain

Shed the shame
Hagglers are just annoying cheapskates, right? Wrong! And this is exactly why most people shy away from the art. Leave your pride at home, if you’re going to worry about what complete strangers – whom you’re unlikely to ever encounter again – think about your social status then you’ve doomed yourself to premature failure. Overpaying for items doesn’t improve your image, nor does avoiding the discounted items section. Items already on sale are golden opportunities for further haggling.

Do your homework
Pick your stores wisely. You’re less likely to save money in large chain-run stores than in small secret shops; having said that, some larger establishments still make room for discounts, albeit smaller ones, so don’t be afraid to ask. Also, make sure you have an educated target price – online research and window shopping will help – and don’t get tempted to argue any further once you hit it. And please resist the urge to haggle over cheap items: saving Dhs2 on a Dhs20 postcard is not a victory.

Cash and carry
It’s scientifically proven that the sight of cash weakens a salesman’s knees, not to mention their resolve; and while we’d never advise you to walk around with large wads of currency, flashing Dhs1,000 to the shop owner may be enough to get that Dhs1,200 couch. For extra flare, have a partner in crime carry half your money, and pretend to borrow it for effect – you really want that couch, but you really can’t afford more than 1,000.

I’m not so sure…
Never be impressed, always appear hesitant. Did you just spot the perfect tea set for your kitchen? Don’t squeal and giggle, or we guarantee you’ll be overcharged. If you’ve never taken an acting class then just use silence to your advantage. A long, drawn-out sigh after half a minute of staring at an item can bring many a price down. A little disappointed shake of the head will do the same. And if your adversary doesn’t seem inclined to lower the price, why not ask for some freebies thrown in instead?

Tag team
Haggling in twos is even easier. Remember good cop bad cop? Well, try it with your next refrigerator. Have your partner fall in love with it while you slowly – and politely, an offended salesman is an uncooperative one – argue its imperfections. As you start weakening your accomplice’s faked resolve, most sale men will jump in to sweeten the deal.

Be strong
If something isn’t worth it, then it isn’t worth it. If all attempts at haggling fail, just walk out. It’ll let salesmen know you weren’t bluffing, and make it easier for the next amateur haggler. And maybe the next time you walk into that same store your arguments will be taken a bit more seriously.