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Henry Blofeld comes to Dhabi

The voice of English cricket’s appearing at Emirates Palace

Those of a nostalgic nature would have you believe that once upon a time the game of cricket was about long, lazy afternoons with white-clad gents playing on an English village green, before enjoying a cucumber sandwich and a pot of tea. These days, however, this idyllic image has been somewhat tainted by match-fixing scandals, abusive insults between players and – perhaps worst shocking of all – abandoning white clothing for multi-hued sportswear.

Thankfully for the purists, here in Abu Dhabi there exists a throwback to the romanticised view of the past with the Emirates Palace Gentlemen’s Cricket Club. Located in the grounds of the seven star hotel, it’s an unashamedly anachronistic institution where expats celebrate cricket’s golden past before controversy and colourful clothing sullied the game’s reputation.

Perhaps then it’s no surprise that the club has selected Henry ‘Blowers’ Blofeld [right] as its president. The veteran cricket commentator has been relating the on-field action to radio listeners for more than 40 years and his distinctive plummy English accent and PG Wodehouse-esque turn of phrase have made him an institution back in the UK.

On Blowers’ next return to the Emirates Palace for the Abu Dhabi Cricket Festival, he’ll be bringing with him the Lashings XI – a team made up of recently retired international players – for three 35 over games against expat teams. So what can spectators expect?

‘The Lashings are a very, very good side and could play any good club side in England and beat them,’ explains Blowers. ‘You know, we have players like Mohammed Akram who is pretty fast, and even old Devon Malcolm can get up a bit of pace if needs be.’

So how did Blowers come about to being President of the Emirates Palace cricket club?

‘Well, they asked me and I said yes. I don’t get paid a penny for it, but it’s just nice to be able to come out here a few times a year. You know, Abu Dhabi has come to me late in life and I absolutely adore the city. And the ground is amazing. It’s a good old fashioned country house cricket club as it was in England in the olden days.’

‘We’ve had some wonderful games out there. I hope it goes on for a very, very long time. We think of cricket as being played in big concrete stadiums, but in my mind the game originated in the countryside in southern England, and even though this club’s in the desert, it’s exactly like this.’

But Blowers is less enthusiastic about the modern face of cricket, especially the multi-coloured ‘pyjamas’ players now wear.

‘Well, my dear old thing, if you held a gun to my head, I’d have to say I’m against it,’ he exclaims. ‘White clothes on green grass is very aesthetically pleasing and these multi-coloured pyjamas are just less so. Call me old fashioned if you like, but it’s just the way I think.’

Among the players who’ll be joining Blowers on the trip to Abu Dhabi is former England swing bowler Phil DeFreitas, who retired from professional cricket in 2005 but makes regular appearances for the Lashings. He said although the games would be exhibition matches, the Lashings were still there to win.

‘It’s a bit of fun, but we don’t like to lose as that’s just your nature when you’re a professional sportsman. You know, even when I play in my back garden with my boys, who are two and four, I hate losing to them,’ he admits.

‘I’m sure the Emirates Palace side is made up of business people and for them it’s there chance to play against some international players. We’ll see how good they are, but if you play against people who aren’t quite up to the standards, we always make sure they have had a good time.’

And with some legendary players such as DeFreitas himself, as well as Saqlain Mushtaq, Chris Harris, and Richie Richardson booked for the trip, you’d probably expect a win to be a foregone conclusion. And don’t worry Blowers, Emirates Palace club rules mean players have to wear white.
Tickets are free, but you need to email to gain entry. March 24-26. Emirates Palace (02 690 9000).

The schedule

March 24, 1pm
Lashings XI v British Ambassador’s XI

March 25, 1pm
Lashings XI v Emirates Palace Gentlemen’s XI

March 26, 1pm
Lashings Xi v Henry Blofeld XI